Hey BADs: 4th Annual Santa Rosa BBQ Fest is next weekend

I don’t get to the boards much anymore, but I just wanted to post this here for anyone who’s interested.

If you live in the SF Bay area (or not) you are hereby cordially invited to come on up to our humble abode in Santa Rosa for a fun time this weekend, Saturday the 16th. It’s not going to be so much of a BBQ this time, since we’re doing a Mexican theme, but it will be fun, nonetheless. :wink: Everyone is welcome to stay over, there’s plenty of crashing space. If you need directions, email me.

Party, party!

I know none of you believe me when I say this any more, but I’m planning to make this one.

“But Troy, you incessant jackassed flake, why should we beleive you this time?”

This week, I am getting a car! And damned if I’m not gonna drive it.

See ya there!

(Hell, I’m even 21 now!)

Huh, Santa Rosa? I might even be able to make that. Who else is going?

AFAIK, we have Psycat and Demo, SeaDiver and SeaHusband, zyzzyva, sonya, obfusciatrist, baglady, White Lightning, and me.

…and Doobieous.

60 miles is a little far for me, especially since I have to work next weekend. Thanks for the invite, though, and everybody have fun. :slight_smile:


bump…I’m perhaps going, if Troy can give me a ride??? (I’ll IM you.)

Yay! That would be cool. We haven’t seen you in forever!

Jeez, vogue, the one time you’re not online is when I need to talk to you.

I’m working in San Francisco until 6:30, then I’ll be on my way, and I’m planning on spending the night at Demo’s. Or at least in my BRAND NEW (USED) CAR in front of their house if they don’t want me soiling anything. If that’s convenient for you, vogue, or anyone else, I’ll gladly drive. AIM me at this name or e-mail me.

I’m sure we can find a place in the garage or the backyard for you, JJ. :smiley:

Aw, that’s too late. I want to go early and be home in time for the late Trading Spaces, haha. I’ll get ahold of SeaDiver.

Damn, that was fun.

psycat90 and Demo- are kick-ass hosts, and from what I can remember, it was a lot of fun. Glad I could make it finally, and it was good to see Sea, Doob, and WL again, and it was nice to meet all you other BADs that I’ve missed for so long.

And now, the evidence. I’ll be happy to host the rest of the pictures everyone took, and I have a scanner, so feel free to get in touch with me and I’ll put 'em up.

Not only could I not get a ride, I ended up having the flu, so you should express great relief I was unable to come! (But now that I think of it, if I was gonna lose everything I ingested out the other end anyway, I might as well have been pounding down some Mexican food and tequila!)

Wow, I guess I don’t get to the boards much any more either, I never even saw this thread. Awesome time! Glad I could finally make one.

Aw, man! I wish I saw this post last week, I definitely could have made it! I live in San Jose, but make treks acoss the bay all the time.

I’m really bummed, because I thought at first you were talking about NEXT weekend, which I will be in Reno.