Hey, chique!


I’ll have you know, Morphy, that I am now officially old. But if you tease me about my age I’ll beat you with my cane. So nyah :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh, and thinksnow? You got beat senseless in a good way :wink:

Scotti turns thinksnow over to chique so she can 'splain to thinksnow upon his return to consciousness.

And THIS is a good way to spend a birthday, I think?


Hey, you’re younger than me! Even if it is only by a few months. Hence, you’re a “young’n”. Case closed.


I hope you had a great time in your birthday celebration.:slight_smile:

Sorry that Spidey and I didn’t make it out to the movie. Maybe another time.

You know what sucks? I have to go to work right now.:frowning:

Congrats, chique… have a good one!