Hey, Collounsbury, you drooling idiot! I'm calling you out!

Surprised to see a zombie thread on Collounsbury’s banning resurfacing in the BBQ pit, I opened it to see the following from Gaudere

In a word, he’s back, and just in time for a whole new pile of MENA threads in GD!

:confused: :eek: :cool: :smiley:

Since Collounsbury will apparently be on his best behavior and he probably cannot respond in kind, I’d like to take this opportunity to remark that his breath smells like camel food. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well…it’s obvious you intend this pitting in good fun, but (IMO) it might not be the very best time to revisit or stir up the issues that jammed him up to begin with. Collounsbury had/has a tremendous amount of insight to offer on specific subjects, but he also had some anger management issues (which he was fully aware of) in responding to people that, fairly or not, he thought weren’t thinking clearly about the issues at hand.

Both the SDMB and he have agreed to give it another go. I think giving him a little space to ease back into the mix instead of taunting him (even playfully) might be a more graceful way to welcome him back.

Welcome back, Collounsbury!


I’m glad to see him back, and the timing could not be more perfect.

What Ferrous said!

Such pretense (as opposed to the past tense) is deplorable, even if devoted to calling out a beloved poster.

1,000 lashes with a wet noodle!

Well gobear, the timing is either perfect or disastrous, depending on your perspective. If it stays civil, then all is well.

Agreed. I’m closing this thread.
