Hey! This is my 1000th post! Woohoo! I’m special! I have no life! Come on in & help me get one, okay?
I’ve got chips and dip, beer, those little ham-roll ups, more beer, devilled eggs, cigars, and later on, there’ll be dancing girls and guys. Did I mention that there’s beer?
Enjoy yourselves! I’ll be flitting about and doing hostessy things, like refilling the mint bowls and getting the room set up for some naked Pictionary later on.
Now that’s an impressive amount of posts… congrats Cristi! Looks around for something to serve as a trophy… Sorry Cristy, but all I could find was that Cheeto from 1976…
Ignorance isn’t bliss. It’s just another way of shooting yourself in the foot.
Congrats! I stunned by your creativity and fortitude in actually offering to host this group to a party after The Guy Thread.
Be sure to send a special invitation to Melin. Pour a few brews and tequila chasers for her and she may forget about the unpaid legal fees. Besides, it’ll probably be a good idea to have a mouthpiece, uh, legal representative around when the inevitable debauchery breaks out.
Let me pop a cold one in your honor and hoist it in a toast: Cristi1K!
Now I’m gonna tuck into that little dish of Andes mints before the others pig out on them.
beer? Ah I don’t drink beer. Matter of fact for some unknown reason, I just bought three cases of champagne to drink all this month in celebration of Year 2000. Spiffy.
Neurro, now I saw the Andes mints first. Now don’t owwww! starting grabbing the munchies! Look, there’s Cristi putting out a nice big bowl of Chex party mix…
ouchhhh! She hit me! Give them back!
::an unseemly tussle ensues, with foil wrapped mints and pretzels cascading into the votive candles::
Hi Cristi
Congrats on P1K.
Whats your secret?
Can you pass me a beer and some of the ham-rollups and a couple of devilled eggs?
(pockets a cigar for later)
When do the dancing girls get here?
Nice place you have here.
(plops down on sofa ang props boots up on the coffee Table)
t lion
" I Wonder What Happens When I push THIS Button? "
Wally,It cost me good money to keep the truth about HouDope#2 quiet,I’m not going to blow my good reputation now.
Gotta light?
(pulls out the stogie,bites the end off and spits it on the floor)
Good Beer!
t lion
" I Wonder What Happens When I push THIS Button? "
{quote]Looks around for something to serve as a trophy… Sorry Cristy, but all I could find was that Cheeto from 1976…
That was very unimaginative, counterattack. But I’ll cover for you. hands Cristi an empty Captain Morgan bottle Here’s a trophy for ya, Cristi. Got any spinach dip?