Hey. Just FYI

Most cats won’t wait that long. Yours must be very well trained. :wink:

Or there might have been a door between me and them, but they were demanding to gain access because I was making big noises.

Give them some skritches for me!

This is a good thing; crying is healthy and therapeutic. And cleansing, in a way.

This thread is giving me all the feels, as the kids today might say.

@janis_and_c0 My condolences on the loss of your friend. I know it’s hard to lose people we care about, particularly around the holidays. I hope you can take solace in the good memories, and that you know her decision was about her pain and had nothing at all to do with you. Thank you for reaching out to the rest of us. :people_hugging:

@carnut I’m glad you’re here with us. Like Janis, I’m here if you want to talk.

To everyone here, you are wanted and needed. :people_hugging: to all

I am glad you are still here.

I hope you did not misconstrue my earlier message. Rather than speculate on the motivations or thought process of the departed I think in this thread we should focus the living and still hurting, such as @janis_and_c0.

OP, take care of yourself. How you feel is how you feel, there is no right or wrong. Grief is not something you “get over”, it’s a process you go through. But you don’t have to be alone. We’re here for you. If you can, find people around you to help you through this time.

There are so many good people here, I am just going to echo this:

@janis_and_c0 Thank you for starting this thread and condolences on your loss.

@carnut Hope your kitties let you make a pumpkin pie - if not, at least you have kitties to skritch.

Pie is in the oven. Looks weird though. I’m using a newfangled recipe though, and canned pumpkin. I usually roast my own pumpkin but this year I let that puppy sit too long before roasting and it was too dried to use. Oops.

Regarding kitties, and pain, I woke up this morning sad and stressed. I went out to the living room, sat down, and had 3 purring cats covering me in under a minute. I think purring cats are a miracle. I sat and pet them for quite a while, and felt much better.

Agreed. My Mercedes isn’t much of a purrer or even much of a lap cat, but she did agree to sit next to me last night so I could give her a head massage. Twice. It’s a very rare event.