Disclaimer: I’m going to use “he” in the generic sense because I hate writing stuff like “s/he” and phrasing to be non-sex specific hurts my head. If there is something about depression that is specific to either sex as a whole, please make that clear to me. Thanks.
Someone I know is depressed - well, I’m pretty sure he’s depressed. I’m not sure if he’s been diagnosed, but his symptoms are a close match to what I’ve read about depression.
I want to help this person - he’s in a difficult situation right now. But I’m not sure how to be a help. One side of me wants to say “Grow up! Quit whining! Take some action!” Another side is kinder, wanting to be supportive and compassionate. I want to suggest therapy or medication, but I’m not qualified to diagnose, and I could be completely wrong. Still, I like to fix things, or at least make them better - it hurts to watch him suffer.
So, what are the do-and-don’t guidelines? If he asks for help or advice, do I have to be careful what I say or how I say it? Would it be wrong of me to offer unsolicited guidance? Should I just be a sounding board, or will that come across as being patronizing? Should I try to cheer him up or let him cry on my shoulder or distract him?
Please - if you or someone close to you has been thru this, I need guidance. If I can’t help, I’ll accept that, but I don’t want to wake up one day thinking “I could have helped if I’d just…”