Well, Mr. Fair and Balanced, No Spin Zone liar, aka: Bill O’Reilly had a mutual suck and fuck fest with Anne I Am The Anti-Christ Harpy Coulter the other night.
Funny how when Democrats/liberals come on the Factor o’Reilly bleats and screechs about how everything they say and believe in is wrong or sick or perverted, but when a republican/conservative comes on, it’s a suck and fuck fest where the guests aren’t even questioned but rather allowed to blather on and vomit out their latest lies about the Clintons or the Democrats/liberals and they don’t get called on it.
I just love how O’Reilly lets Coulter slide on her wholesale character assasination of President carter without even questioning it or calling her on it.:rolleyes: :dubious:
And then he lets her pass off her book as historical.
There are two really sad and pathetic things about this episode and Anne Coulter.
No one in the so called "liberal media establishment calls her on any of this and therefore she gets away scot free.
There are a semi-significant number of people out there who actually believe her and take her quite seriously. That is scary.
I read the transcript in your link, and I absolutely disagree with your charactreization of Mr. O’Reilly’s reaction to Ms. Coulter. He chastises her for demonizing her opponents; he compares her “hate-all-the-liberals” over-the-top approach to Al Franken’s “hate-all-the-conservatives” approach, and suggests that each is wrong; he defends Janeane Garafolo’s integrity in agreeing to debate Iraq against Coulter’s attack of her.
In fact, there are only two things he says that could remotely be considered positive: he acknowledges that Coulter is funnier than Franken (a proposition with which I agree, by the way), and concludes the interview by commenting that, no matter what you may think of Coulter, you have to admit that she’s “out here… front and center,” which I take to mean that she’s not dodging things she’s said, but owning up to and defending them - which appears to be true as well.
So what parts of the interview are legitimately characterized as the OP does?
I read the transcript and, while I don’t care for O’Reilly, he wasn’t giving Coulter the lube job the OP suggests. He did call her on her over the top insanity (my word) and the most she can say is that some of it is for laughs. Oh, and that she’s funnier than Al Franken. She was the one who called her book historic too, not O’Reilly.
I saw the interview and i thought that O’Reilly’s “criticisms” were rather tepid and insincere. He was chortling at her smears at then saying “Oh come on, you don’t REALLy mean that.” He didn’t go after her with the popeyed, apopleptic rage that he goes after anyone even remotely left of center.
I don’t see it as a hallpass either, although I wish he’d concentrated more on what was in her book.
I consider myself fairly conservative but that damn Treason was about the worst piece of crap I’ve ever picked up. I kept thinking all the outrageous and unfounded accusations were a joke and she was going to come back and explin herself but it never happened.
My gosh, BogieBlanca, if this interview is giving Coulter a pass, what would he have to do to be confrontational towards her? Leap across the studio and punch her in the mouth?
Methinks you have talked yourself into seeing something that wasn’t there.
Unless every question on the rest of the transcript was a softball, this looked more like an attack interview than a lovefest.
Hey Bricker you should know better than to let the facts get in the way of your point. Come on! Everyone knows everything FoxNews says is a lie, and Bill O’Reilly is Satan come to Earth.
I didn’t see the original interview, but I saw a segment in a later show in which O’Reilly was answering his e-mails. Several he chose were admonishing him for his treatment of Coulter. His responses to these were uniformally of the “and if you are buying in to her take on McCarthy, you must be living in Oz” variety. I got the impression that he thinks Anne is out of touch with reality.
And if O’Reilly is insinuating that someone is a right wing nut-job…
If only there were some way I could make a joke about this post. I just can’t think of anything funny to say in response. Anybody want to help me out here?
Al Franken is a very prolific comedy writer. Stuart Saves His Family is not one of his better pieces. In the category of intentional funniness, Franken wins hand down. In the category of unintentiopnal funniness the award goes to Atlanta Hope, I mean Ms. Coulter.
I was really hoping for a porno link to the suck and fuck fest of Oreilly and Coulter.