So, everyone’s favorite right-wing loony bitch Anne Coulter appeared on the Today show this morning shilling for her new screed, Godless. Apparently, Anne of Green Goebbels is upset because she can’t whack on the 9/11 widows’ political views without looking like…well, like a bitch. And somehow it’s the widows’ and Democrats’ fault.
Why hasn’t someone shivved this idiot in a dark alley yet?
This will be the last time I say this… OK, maybe it won’t:
She’s a comedienne. A performance artist. She thinks up shocking, surreal shit and waits for idiots on the right to eat it up while idiots on the left howl and give her free publicity. Pitting her is like pitting Ben Stiller because he was such a meanie to those nice dodgeball players.
Let’s agree to either ignore her, or failing that, give her one pit thread and make it a sticky.
Conservative here, agreeing with Waverly. Her audience consists of idiots. I’ve been ignoring her for years, you can too! I stopped reading her columns a long time ago, and I’ve never read one of her books. It is disconcerting and annoying to me to see her listed as a featured speaker at conservative conferences advertised in The National Review. I have a hard time imagining serious people listening to her.
I agree. Did she ever claim to be anything more than a talking head? I don’t believe I’ve ever heard of any kind of polical science credentials, but I could be mistaken. But that’s irrelevant. If you don’t like her politics, don’t listen to her. She’s one of a parade of people I don’t agree with. No biggie.
I’m pretty sure she’s a lawyer, if that adds to her credentials at all. She has all of the qualifications needs to be the conservative equivalent of Andrew Dice Clay.
She has a law degree (University of Michigan), and her father is (was) a lawyer, too. She’s no slouch in the academic department, which makes her particluar brand of deliberate political divisiveness even more disgusting. Anyway, I agree that no serious student of political science takes her seriously.
I think we need a new term for people like Coulter, Limbaugh, Michael Moore.
Political Media Shock Jocks
They’re all parasites who make their bread by being controversial. They don’t even care if the crap they spew is true or not, as long as it’s gonna rock someone’s boat.
All paricpants who have sold their souls for $$ in dumbing down America.
I love the inevitable comparisons of Coulter to Moore. Because calling for her political opponents to be executed (she’s done that) and calling for the Arab world to be converted to Christianity at the barrel of a gun (she’s done that too) are exactly equivalent to Michael Moore making some films that his opponents have claimed contain factual errors.
What is this, a new theory of relativity? Whatever the right does, by definition the left must be doing something equally heinous?
I would like to able to play fair and concede that the same kind of prominent idiots exist on the left as on the right but I really don’t think Michael Moore is symmetrically equivalent to Ann Coulter. That’s not say he’s not polemic, tendentious or manipulative but his lows are never as low as Coulter. I’ve never heard him saying that people who disagree with him should be executed for treason and I’ve seen him do anything as idiotic as claiming the evolutionary theory is a liberal conspiracy. To be fair, I don’t think Rush Limbaugh is as bad as Coulter either. I can tolerate a comparison of Limbaugh and Moore but Coulter is in a category of her own.
I agree it isn’t fair to compare Moore to Coulter. Moore and Limbaugh are pretty good analogs though, both are faux-populist polemicists who present their side of the story and a strawman version of the other side.
There really isn’t a left wing media personality equivalent to Coulter. Sure, there are leftists as poisonous, as shrill, as stupid, as hateful and as opportunistic as Coulter, but none with her level of media exposure.
As far as I can discern, if the Coulter-worship threads on conservative boards are any indication, the rightwingers aren’t even listening to her; they’re simply lusting after a skinny energetic blonde.
We got her new book in at the bookstore. It is so hate-filled and ignorant it makes me sick. SHE makes me sick. Sweet Jesus I don’t understand how she became so poular - other than the short skirts. I hate her with the passion of a million suns. I … well you may get the picture, if you picture John Belushi spluttering and falling off his chair.
I dunno, FWIW, I came across THIS today which really blew me away.
I saw the interview, and even if I were a fan of Coulter (I’m not), the mere written word cannot begin to explain how unable she was to actually answer even one of Matt’s questions. What the folks in the link above saw must have been in some sort of Alternate Universe.
Then again, this IS 06/06/06… hey, someone had to say it.
Well, I can sorta see an objection to sacred cows, but the 9/11 Widows argument is such a flimsy strawman, I rather boggle at the fact she couldn’t come up with any better example of the “left’s principle of infallibility”. I mean, for fuck’s sake, Lauer was able to demolish it in about three seconds, it was so inaccurate. If she’s not a bit of an idiot, I’m not sure how to explain her carelessness here, except perhaps that her fan base is so acquiescent, and so earnestly receptive to even the most disposable brain fart, she’s bought into their adulation totally, and has completely lost the ability to discriminate good ideas from bad ones.