I thought it was a pretty good episode. I was sort of waiting for Lois to notice that Brian and Stewie were gone but it never happened; it left kind of a hole in the show. But the gags were quite strong, especially Brian busting Stewie for ripping off The Onion, and the montage at the end where Iraq transforms into an American-style democracy (women in burkas pumping water becoming a lesbian bikini carwash, etc.). The stuff with Chris was OK, but I don’t remember any standout gags.
I half expected Manson to do his own voice (seems like something he would do), but unless he can really alter his normal speaking voice, that sure didn’t sound like him.
I’m not without a sense of humor, but I couldn’t laugh at a lot of the Iraq stuff. While I intellectually appreciate the sharp humor that the war has produced a shortage of people willing to join the military, I don’t think dead soldiers on guard duty is funny. While the war is still going on, that seemed really tacky.
Overall, though, there was some great comedy. I DID like Stewie going Postal on the Vaudevillians.
One thing that was an unintentional laugh for me was the Stewie/Onion joke. How funny was it that the episode was probably written a year ago and perfectly coincided with the overblown Kerry joke from last week?
I always loved the crazy barrelhouse piano piece the second guy plays when the first guy needs bailing out. “Play me out of this!” But it was still funny when Stewie wasted them.
Yeah, Manson’s voice is normally deeper, that voice on FG sounded nothing like what I’ve heard.
Good episode although the Iraq stuff was pretty heavy-handed.