I just registered at this board, so I thought I’d make an introductory post. I found the Straight Dope website a few months ago through another website, and I’ve been reading through the archives for awhile. About a week ago, I thought I’d take a look at the message board, and I’ve been lurking away since. But that’s kind of creepy to do for long, so I registered.
Anyway, introduction: My name is Erica, I’m 23, and I live in southwest PA, USA. I’m a big science fiction fan, and write it as well as read it. My favorite author is Philip K. Dick, some others are William Gibson and Harlan Ellison. (The numerous spec-fic threads in Cafe Society are one of the things that sucked me into this board.) I’m politically liberal and spiritually agnostic/“other.” I spend far too much time on the Internet.
This message board is a lot more active than most of the boards I post on, which is a good thing since I had to leave my job a few weeks ago and I have lots of time to waste on sites like this. Most of you have the whole correct spelling and grammar thing down, which is a definite plus. I’m not sure if I’m going to pay or not, since it’s a lot of money, but I guess it all depends on how much I like and use this board in the next few weeks.
If this post is any indication of your future contributions to the board, I hope you stay as this is one of the more well-written introductory posts I’ve read in the entire two year period I’ve been here.
Well, that and you’re a liberal science-fiction geek with atheistic tendencies. I think I’m in love.
Welcome Erica, and hope you decide to stay. More the merrier. I’ve only been here a few weeks myself and feel that it’s worth every cent. Oh, and Dick is superb.
Continuity Eror, welcome to the boards! I, too, love Harlan Ellison (not a big sci fi fan in general, but love Ellison) in spite of the fact that, by all accounts, he’s an asshole.
This is a fun place to hang out, with lots of great dopers.
I’m new, too. I’m Savannah, 30-something female on Vancouver Island, Canada. I’m married, and work as a secretary by day and writer by night. I enjoy message boards, but find them to be an enormous excuse for procrastinating. I should be writing, but…just one more page… one more topic. <sigh> I really enjoy the variety of topics on general boards.
We have a Bourke’s parakeet, and would love to have a dog. I enjoy reading, music, photography, and am an inept but still enthusiastic gardener. I do not like ham, sweet potatoes or whole milk. I can’t drive a standard, and I play really bad acoustic guitar.