Hi, I'm Trucido, and I drink pickle brine...

I can’t resist. I polish off a jar of pickles, and I’m left with this salty, garlicky liquid. Quick, furtive glance about to see that no one’s looking and then slurp I’ve had 1500% of my RDA of sodium, and damn it was good. My favorite is Claussen, but I’ll even taste the stuff from Vlasic Kosher Dills. Am I alone in my dark culinary fetish?

That is just purely sickening…but, alas, my friend seems to enjoy shredded lettuce and tartar sauce to an unholy degree. Go figure…

Uhhhh. The sweet pickle juice drinkers are preverted enough, but you are just sick. When the revolution comes you will be lined up next to the Circus Peanut eaters, and shot.

psssst… Trucido… pssssst…
Pass that pickle jar… Mmmmmmmmmm… such pickley salty garliky goodness can’t go to waste.

Don’t give me any of that sweet pickle stuff though. Ick.

You are not alone.
Anyone else have bizzare eating habits?

Something I haven’t been above doing myself a few times. Tastes just like pickles but without the solid part. And it gives you VERY interesting burps.

Although I haven’t done it since I was a teenager.

mmmmmmmmmmm… yummmmmmm… pickle juice… yum yum. i love it! i also like the pickles, too, incidentally. also, i looooove rice with pickle brine. mmmmmmmmmmmm… pickled rice… :smiley:

Not a pickle person, but I can’t resist a healthy swig of jalapeno pepper juice once in a while to cleanse the old palate. If you think Mountain Dew will “tickle yer innards”, boy howdy…

Even better than the brine was the pickled garlic cloves that I’d get in my mom’s home-made dills. Try this some time - a sip of brine, then a sip of beer, repeat. Very yummy!

Before I got this damned acid reflux/heartburn, I used
to make tuna sandwiches with chopped onion and a chopped up pickle, but one pickle was never enough and eating a whole pickle on the side seemed like a betrayal of the pickle sacrificed to the tuna sandwich, so I would gleefully eat the sandwich and wash it down by drinking from the jar.

Doing this in front of my roommates was also a good way to keep them from scarfing my pickles.

Trucido, you aren’t the Pointy-Haired Boss’s™ son by any chance, are you?

Enuma, has it occurred to you there may be a causal relationship here?

No, actually, I think its hereditary, as three of my non-pickle-juice-drinking brothers also have acid reflux/heartburn. I wish it were only the juice, because then I could just time the burn for gatherings I need an excuse to get out of.

I love pickle brine. I also enjoy taking a few sips of Good Seasons salad dressing - Italian or garlic & herb. It’s tangy, spicy, salty, just all-around yummy.

You know what else is really good? Balsamic vinegar on vanilla ice cream.

My favorite pickles are B&G New York Deli Style dills and I love the brine from it. I also use a combination of brine, vinegar (balsamic or wine) and hot sauce to turn ramen noodle soup into a hot & sour.

With the purchase of our electric grill/smoker, I’ve been experimenting with homemade barbecue sauces. I recently bought a copy of the Barbecue! Bible: Sauces, Rubs, and Marinades, Bastes, Butters, and Glazes, which has a section on creating one’s own sauce. Among the ingredients suggested is, yes, dill pickle brine! Haven’t tried it yet, so far I’ve just tried a honey-dijon recipe from the book.

I’m prone to tasting the brine myself, though I usually just take a tiny sip and chasing it with a glass of water–it makes the water taste very sweet. Straight Claussen is tasty, but the best is from my father’s homemade pickles–garlic, onion, cumin and peppercorns.

My ex boyfriend used to drink vinegar from the bottle.


Yup, done that. :smiley: I’m a bad person.

Ever notice that Mountain Dew has the same texture and saltiness only a heck of a lot sweeter? I swear, MD is pickle juice with corn syrup added…

And exactly what is wrong with a shot of vinegar? Unless it’s white distilled or cider. I’ll take a swig of balsamic or wine vinegar to take the edge off my indigestion.

slortar, I know what you’re talking about, it’s a weird kind of thick mouth-feel. There’s a difference, though: I’ll drink pickle juice, but Mountain Dew? Blech. :slight_smile:

DRINK pickle brine?!? Good heavens, no! But I confess I’ve marinated fish and chicken in it (not together, of course) and baked them. Gave them a great dill/garlic flavor.

Spouse has threatened to force me to eat habanero pepper sauce, however, if I ever serve it to him again. (I do NOT like hot/spicy foods – blame it on the Scandawegian in me.) He won’t touch Spam either.

Hmmmm, wonder what Spam marinated in pickle brine would taste like?

mmmmmmmmmm…one day I’ll be caught running my tongue along the inside of my salad bowl for the last drops of Good Season’s…the fact is, I usually pour on a little extra just to be able to do this.

My other “bizarre” eating habit? Licking the Spam gel off my fingers after popping open a can.

[sub]Don’t tell AudreyK about this last bit of info…I’ve already given her grief about her propensity for eating Vienna Sausages…bleeehh.[/sub]