Hilarious site: James Lileks scores again!

DAMN DAMN DAMN! I spent way too much time going through the old advertisting last night. It’s SO FUNNY! But now can’t get to the Lileks site…I get ‘connection canceled’ or some such nonsense. I wanted to check out the regrettable food gallery tonight. Anyone else have any problems?

sure, as soon as I posted the previous message I tried one more time on got to it. go figure

Since when??? I read the Strib on a near-daily basis, and I’ve never seen a SD/CA reference.


My brush with fame - I went to the U with james back before he located the shift key on the keyboard. He used to hang at the Valli occasionally, guzzling coffee & scribbling furiously.

For years I had a quote of his tacked on the wall:

But life is not all brew and floozies - james r lileks

MsRobyn - you need to read those columns on the right-hand side of the front page of the Variety section. And while Lileks never mentions this place, every now and again I’ll notice a column that seems to have been inspired by a thread here, although I’ll be damned if I can think of an example this late at night :wink:

If you like pulp cover art, you might want to check out this site if you haven’t yet - it’s hilarious.

While we’re on the subject of the Good Mr. Lileks, I thought I’d mention that his new project in on-line and in progress:

Interior Desecrators: Horrors from the Land of Shag

More beverage snorting from a deeelightful tour of '70’s Interior Fashions. “Let your palette singe and smolder like a fire in a pig barn! Let your colors burn like an inflamed urethra! Turn up the colors, we say: turn them up! Make the neighbors pound on the wall and shout ‘turn down that painting!’”


Glad to see so many others enjoy his site. I first ran across it a few years ago and really enjoyed it, but I eventually forgot to keep visiting it…thanks for reminding me to go back.

Wow. I hadn’t known about the serious side of his site before. You’re right, it was incredibly moving and painful to read that. :frowning: That guy really knows how to reach people with his writing, whether he’s trying to make you laugh or cry.