‘No one likes him’ is just one of the many truisms that Hillary mentions. And, she calls out his staff and supporters as well for their toxic behavior. And I love it that supporters of all the other candidates are helping this go viral on social media. We’re all fed up with the toxic bros and fighting back now.
I only wish Hillary has done this in 2016 rather than the kid gloves approach. But, at least, she can damage Sanders now, two weeks before Iowa. I’m well aware she’s not flipping any hard core Bernie Bros, but hopefully she can get some fence sitters to Warren. Elizabeth Warren is a deeply flawed candidate who has run an awful campaign, but she’s a quadrillion times better on her worst day than Sanders is on his best.
It’s hard to imagine anything Hillary Clinton could do that would be more beneficial to Bernie than this. If this is her goal, then well done in assisting Bernie! If not, then it just reinforces my suspicion that Hillary Clinton is pretty bad at presidential electoral politics.
You know, after successfully losing to a freak show like Trump, how is her whining of any value? Hillary is the reason why Hillary lost. You know, that whole ran a bad campaign thing. She should shut up and fade away now.
Oh, and I voted for Hillary last time of course, because you know, she still wasn’t Trump.
I agree.
Man… The media and the establishment candidates really don’t want Bernie. The more they call him sexist and racist the more people roll their eyes and want to vote for him more.
From the perspective of a Bernie supporter (though I also like a handful of the other candidates), hopefully she will keep this kind of thing up and go on national TV, again and again, attacking Bernie.
If Sanders somehow gets the nomination, all Dems need to fall in behind him. Same for any other candidate that gets the nom of course. He is a far better choice than Trump, I hope we can at least agree on that.
And Bernie is the reason Bernie lost. He ran a worse campaign than Clinton did.
It’s a two-way street. Sanders supporters complain at least as much about how Clinton took their victory away as Clinton supporters complain about how Sanders took theirs.
Nothing more amusing than the reliable reply of “this criticism HELPS!” No, it doesn’t. At most, it’ll be nothing but it’s pretty silly to think this will somehow swing votes to Bernie.
It’s so crazy how much you think that we are involved with Trump’s nonsense.
Remember when Clinton thanked Bernie for all the campaigning he did on her behalf? Now it’s wasn’t enough!?
If they hated Bernie so much why didn’t they say so in the beginning of all of this. They’re getting desperate. It’s so transparent and counterproductive.
I think this is a bad strategy. The people who will vote for a candidate because he’s been accused on sexism and racism already have a dog in this fight. We need a candidate for the voters who are opposed to sexism and racism.
Hell yeah, but the issue isn’t people like us. It’s less politically involved people who aren’t gonna vote for Trump, but don’t really believe the Dems will do much for them either. They’ll vote Dem if they vote, but plenty of them won’t bother.
Bernie never had a prayer at the nomination in 2016. It is amazing to me he did as well as he did.
Do Bernie folks complain that Hillary took Bernie’s victory? I’ve never heard it in person, where I have heard from a lot of ardent Hillary supporters about how Bernie ruined her chances.
Again, I am not a Bernie only person. I thought Hillary was a decent choice for President but a terrible campaigner. I also think picking a nobody for VP was a big mistake. If not Bernie, she should have picked a progressive at a least or someone else that would’ve played well to the rust belt.
We don’t hate Sanders. We may prefer a different candidate but that doesn’t mean we won’t accept Sanders if he wins the nomination. We will support Sanders and vote for him even if he isn’t our first choice.
What we’re worried about is the possibility that Sanders supporters don’t feel the same way. That if they don’t get Sanders they won’t support any other Democrat.