HILLARY, the fat assed phony

She wants to be Senator from NY, she has never lived here, never held prior public office, never distanced herself from her previous Left Wing radical past, or clearly annunciated her views. She has lied to the public for her husband, thus becoming an enabler, lied about how she made enormous profit in the commodities market - $1000 to $100,000 - account handled by a man that had contracts in front of her husband, unlawful extra billing as partner of the Rose Law firm and hiding documents subpoenaed by government, which turned up in her bedroom 2 years later. This broad is dirty!

All she has done is write a silly book, probably written by someone else, “It Takes a Village.” NO IT DOESN’T ASSHOLE! Now this sow wants to represent a State she has NEVER lived in and whose boundaries she is totally unfamiliar with? We should send the bitch, and her murky persoanl agenda, packing back to her home State of Illinois, or wherever.

You can destroy your now by worrying about tomorrow. Janis Joplin

No, no, don’t send her to Illinois, we don’t want her. Let Arkansas have her.

A lying politician? In New York? I don’t think that New York is ready for something as unusual as that! :slight_smile:
Now, this doesn’t have anything to do with the fact that her last name is Clinton, would it? You know, that mass murdering, devil-worshiping, Communist, low-I.Q. rapist that is part of the Trilateral Commission’s plot to take over the world?
Why isn’t it enough anymore to oppose someone’s viewpoint? Is total demonization totally neccessary?

John John writes:

> . . . broad . . . sow . . . bitch . . .

Does this sound like a man who just has problems with women in general?

John John,

Check out the signs; it’s not HILLARY, it’s HILLARY!. Polls have shown that candidates with exclamation points in their names get more votes. :wink:

I’m thinking about changing my screen name to ‘divemaster!!!’ Maybe that will boost my popularity!

Please? Someone? Anyone? Take this blob off our hands? Alaska? Hello, anyone there?Helppppppppppppppppppppppppp

You can destroy your now by worrying about tomorrow. Janis Joplin


Nope, I married a woman :slight_smile: and she is fine as wine. I just have a problem with fakes, and Hillary turned it into an art form.

Would you like her to run in your State?

You can destroy your now by worrying about tomorrow. Janis Joplin


Nah, she’s trying to do the Cher, Madona, Ann-Margret, Prince thing. Like she’s sooooo unique with one name. She is trying to unClintonize herself with fakery. Poop is a poop is a poop. Hillary, suey suey suey.

Divemaster, I like it. Got a good ring to it.

You can destroy your now by worrying about tomorrow. Janis Joplin

I’m not crazy about her either, but I’m not sure what the size of her ass has to do with anything.


Ohhhhh, thank you. That was precious.You’re right of course, I was just pissing.

Do you think she would be good for NY?

You can destroy your now by worrying about tomorrow. Janis Joplin

I’m satisfied with my present senators, but if there was an opening, I would have no problem with her running. She’s vastly more appealing than many people presently in the Senate.

Not only is the size of her ass irrelevant, but she doesn’t even have a big one. She’s in distinctly better shape than most women of her age. Did you insist that your wife starve herself into anorexia before you married her? Once again, terms like “broad”, “bitch”, “sow”, and “fat ass” show me that you’ve got major problems with women. You’ve also got major problems with logical reasoning if you think that a politician’s physical appearance is the main reason to vote for or against them.

I think Hillary is a stupid phony, as well! I think she’d say and do ANYTHING to increase her personal power and influence and to win an election.

As far as remarks about her person, goes–she’s in politics–everything is fair game. People made fun of Nixon’s jowls, Reagan’s black hair, Johnson’s ears, etc. To be totally fair–let me say that Hillary’s husband, clinton not only has a fat ass and thunder thighs, but he also has hair like a brillo pad and the bags under his eyes are big enough to hold a half-ounce of that dope he so rightously did not inhale!

You guys voted in Slick Willy and the Universe didn’t end.

Hillary’s about eleven times smarter than Bill, so what’s the problem?

If she was running for office here in Canada, I’d vote for her. She would add some much needed intelligence to Ringling Bros., otherwise known as Parliament.


My major problem with woman is that I love them, fat ass and all. :slight_smile: Ahhhh, how sweet it is. Sorry, I was just drifting.

Mrs Clinton,aka Hillary, is blubber thighs!

You can destroy your now by worrying about tomorrow. Janis Joplin

You apparently have problems with reading too. Why did you spell my name “Wendal”? It’s spelled “Wendell”. Is it really that hard to copy a single word from my post? If you love women with fat asses, why do you think that it’s an insult to refer to her “blubber thighs”? And once again, if you weren’t so blind with hatred, you would notice that Hillary is actually in fairly good shape for a woman of her age.

Hillary blows…apparently not as good as Monica, but she blows nonetheless.

I read her book, “It takes a village of women to please my husband” and you know what…that blows too!

I am no fan of Hillary, but I too see no reason to bring up her aprearance. She is actually attractive, you know. Not everyone gets plastic surgery and wants to starve themself when they are her age. I hope I look as good as she does when I am in her age range!

But appearance aside, I do NOT like her. Sure, she’s smarter than her husband, which makes her more dangerous. And the fact that she still puts up with that lying sack of shit that is her husband? No, I’d not vote for her if she was in my state.

Wendell, sorry. I should have used the back key to recheck spelling but I was in the thrall of some past CAE*…Oh, forget it, you might not understand.

Blubber thighs is a turn off.
*corpulent ass experience

You can destroy your now by worrying about tomorrow. Janis Joplin

So what if blubber thighs are a turn-off? You’re not being asked to sleep with her. You’re being asked to vote for her. Is distinguishing between those two things so difficult?

And one more time, Hillary Clinton is in pretty good shape for a woman of her age.