Remember match stick in mouth. Another film trope that gives the characters something to do between or during dialogues…
Might have been relevant in Western films but it’s silly in modern Hollywood films.
Is the hip flask the same. Who carries it now for just a few sips of alcohol. It may look cool in films but I have seen no real person take a swig from a flask.
With the ubiquity of liquor stores and “airplane” sized bottles of booze, I say that carrying a flask is for special occasions only. Need a quick nip? Easy. Grab a disposable airplane bottle or two, and you don’t have to carry the container when you’re done. My money says most flask use anymore is done in football stadiums by cold tailgaters.
It’s still considered a hip thing to do in some circles. Still popular thing to do at football games and other events that don’t offer hard liquor.
They don’t really carry enough to get drunk, but as I see it, that’s not really the point. The point is to be able to say “hey let’s all do a shot, aren’t we naughty?” More of an in-group signaling accessory.
I don’t know about cinema, but I find a metal hip flask less prone to breaking if I’m carrying alcohol on, say, a camping trip. I’m considering a Nalgene hip flask for walking as a less cumbersome alternative to a cylindrical bottle.
I had one (it got lost in one of my many moves, apparently, as I haven’t seen it in a few years) and used it from time to time. It’s a convenient way to surreptitiously carry a little bit of alcohol to a dry event. Personally I find it easier/cheaper/less trash-creating than buying nips.
Not a film, but in the TV series Leverage (2008) [which I’m currently re-watching so it came immediately to mind], the character Nate Ford, an alcoholic, does use a hip flask on occasion. I think it’s meant more as a quirky character affectation than an accurate depiction of how real life alcoholics sneak quick nips, but it’s there in a modern era fictional depiction.
I once knew a priest who carried wine in a metal hip flask, for if he was called upon to administer communion when away from his church. He always got a few laughs when he got it out, but as he pointed out, it’s the most convenient way to carry it.
Covid has put the kibosh on our usual Friday eve bar meeting, so a couple of us will meet on a back deck, BYOB. My preferred isn’t available around here in miniatures, so I’ll fill my flask (acquired last year for just this purpose). Fortunately, I have a weak head, and 8 oz is WAY more than I’ll need.
My sister and BIL came over for Christmas dinner. BIL is really into high-end fancy bourbons, so we picked up some top-shelf stuff. When we presented it, he pulled out a flask and said, “looks like I won’t need my backup”.
BTW, what is a hip flask, exactly? Is it something different than what I think of as a flask, which is a small thin metal container that has a slight curve to it so it can be worn, I thought, not on the hip, but in the inside pocket of a suit jacket, the curve conforming to the person’s side?
My late husband’s mother was an alcoholic (as was his father), and I have her glass hip flask. I never knew her, but I doubt if she took nips from it. Probably carried it in her purse and added a splash of booze to whatever beverage she was drinking when out and about.