Holy SHIT, people! Lay OFF each other already

My god… don’t you guys (you know who you are) ever get the slightest bit sick of how goddamn mean you are to each other?

I mean really… do you spend time thinking about new and creative ways you can call each other pieces of shit? Worthless garbage? Scum? Christ almighty…

I’m curious, really, how do you feel about yourself and life after you’ve hit “submit” on a post that eviscerates a fellow poster?

I know there are thoroughly obnoxious people on this board (Many count me in that number, and haven’t hesitated to say so), people you find stupid, cruel, mean, idiotic, lame, rude, and just plain full of shit.

Ya know what? They ain’t worth your time. And they sure ain’t worth your spirit.

Peace love and understanding, man… Feel the love. And if you can’t feel the love, move on.


Gee, who are you talking to? Do you have a link? :rolleyes:

Alright, alright, fine. I’m Chevy. Er, um, Ford. Wait, what was it?



I agree. A person can’t post their $.02 on a subject without getting a thread of flames aimed at them. I have yet to see a person present a flame that didn’t make them look stupid, it’s like burning effigies–does this ever look “smart?” They think they are being cool and there is usually some sort of sexual reference in there as well, as if you can tell anything about someone’s sexual habits based on a messageboard post. This site is designed around the concept of fighting ignorance. People keep exposing their own ignorance when they pride themselves on angry rants. It’s like a big hyperactive-child convention.

Dammit Stoid! There you go again posting stuff I agree with!
I am agreeing with you entirely too much lately. I can’t wait until the '02 elections, so we can get back on track. :smiley:

(Yes I know, I don’t post much, but I avidly follow the right/left debates).:slight_smile:

BTW, the other OP you wrote re: WTC thing almost brought tears to my eyes. Very well said!

>shuffles off mumbling…

I just want to point out that it is quite possible to eviscerate a fellow poster while oozing love, peace, and understanding.

It just takes a bit of thought, and practice.

I disagree. In a year and half here, over the course of over 3000 posts wherein I put in my two cents on a great many topics, several of which were heated, I have never had a thread of flames directed at me. In most cases, you have to do something rather out of the ordinary to get a thread devoted to flaming you.

Usually just peachy. Although I hate it when people think I’m trying to flame them, when I’m really not.

I disagree water2j. Lately more and more (especially in light of recent events) you have to merely voice an “unpopular” opinion to get flamed.

Pardon the misspelling of your name, waterj2, my apologies.

Thank you, Klaatu! I’m always glad to know I reached a few folks.

As for the '02 elections (how would you say that outloud, BTW - oh-two? Sounds awkward), I’ll see ya there! (It was such a * relief * to me yesterday to see and hear Gore on TV, and to know that he’s making himself visible, you have no idea… I fervently pray he’s learned the lessons of last time, so he will be able to come back and do the job we elected him to do once already…see? now you can be all mad at me again. :smiley: )

Absolutely true, but that isn’t what we’re seeing. THAT I can appreciate!


Well, Wildest Bill deserves it.

Thank you for your eloquent and oh so true post stoid. Instead of discussion, even in the other forums, you are entirely correct that people jump down your throat and call you stupid if you merely make an observation they don’t agree with. Sometimes I think that some of these people would reach through their modems and strangle each other if they could. I am sure that sometimes I’m right and sometimes I’m wrong but I’m not stupid and probably few who read these boards are. Name calling an invectives never win any converts. Anyhow, thanks for saying what I’ve been thinking. You do that quite a bit. As for peace and love, from your lips to God’s ear! (or rather from your typing fingers).

Are you nuts?

That would actually involve human contact.

I was so hoping you were going to take off on that angle.


I don’t know if I’d go THAT far… :smiley:

My sincerest pleasure, I assure you.

And Chris…I’m feeling whooshed. :frowning:

Could you be more specific? Some particular occassion when I have “eviscerated” a poster? I mean, so I can repent more meaningfully. Have you heard something, like Scylla or Milossarian crying themselves to sleep? Something like that? 'Cause that would be sooooo cool…I mean, cruel, that would be so cruel.

Stoidey, my dove, its all due to testosterone poisoning. We can’t help it, we suck, thats all there is to it. Its been twenty years since I busted that guys nose, and I have quite thoroughly repented. If only I could forget how good it felt! So crunchy!

And, after all, the Pit without vitriol would be about as exciting as Amish porn.

Well hell, if I told you where I thought that line was going, I’d be setting myself up for being called names, rather than hoping you would take the heat.

Oh well.

I assume you got the first part.

The second part has to do with a growing irritation I have at ‘creative’ names to call people.

Take your pick, they’re all over the place. And if they’re not, someone is busily figuring out a new way to call someone a fucker, but only more inanely.

And someone is out there ready with standard reply to said new word- “Hey, I gotta new sig!”

luci, my darlink… I agree. I’d just like to see the vitriol saved for the following only:

  1. Blatant trolls.
  2. Public figures
  3. Companies/businesses
  4. The Government
  5. Bad People (serial killers, mass murderers, terrorists, puppy kickers)

Not at our fellow Dopers.

I’m not even counseling against a bit of pissiness here and there, because there are surely arguments and threads that it would require a saint or ** Mandelstam ** to remain calm and kind in. But we all know what I’m talking about, and it isn’t small flashes of crankiness.

Besides which, the invective flies so thick and fast around here of late, it isn’t even interesting anymore. Even sex gets dull if you’re doing it 24/7.


Ah… yes. That’s very nearly what I was trying to say to ** luci ** in the post I was writing while you were writing this.

It is getting just stupid. There’s certainly a large number of ways you can combine and conjugate “fuck” “cum” “pus” “ass” “anal” and the various other words that are being beaten to death in the service of telling fellow dopers much contempt you hold them in, but most of us, I suspect, stopped being entertained by it quite some time ago.


[homer]Mmmmm! Amish Porn![/homer]