Why is it that so many men find woman-on-woman sex so arousing (to say the least) while most women (at least thoseI now and have cared to ask ) find man-on-man sex not arousing at all if not a complete turn off?
Because its wrong man!! Im sooo glad Calvin Kleing has stopped making thos type of ads. Women find it very scary, they dont see it as protecting them.
<wild generalisation>Women seem to enjoy reading slash fiction about Kirk and Spock getting it on, but in general they seem to be less interested in visual depictions. Search the boards for “slash” and suchlike for many similar discussions.</wild generalisation>
Count me as one of the few females who find man-on-man action hot. I do, however, realize I’m in a minority. I have had a number of thoughts as to why it’s so rare but they’re such WAGs that I’d feel silly posting them here in GQ.
Mmmm… gay male porn… I like it!
Well, I like it too (and I’m afraid I heard myself type that in the Irish Spring ad accent).
<more wild generalization>Women supposedly aren’t as aroused by visual stimuli as men are. Perhaps porn in general isn’t as effective for women, which would mean that specialized types of porn would have an even smaller market.</wild generalization>
Feminist theory suggests that because society in general accepts women as sex objects, women as well as men have learned to respond to erotic portrayals of women, but that the erotic portrayal of men doesn’t have such wide acceptance. I do think that it’s more common to see erotic depictions of women than of men, but that’s very likely because porn is traditionally aimed at men.
However, I do like it.