Horrible Hetero Habits?

Why do Het’s act the way they do?
You know, the men, with their big beer bel-lies, scratching their ‘personal area’, spitting, the BO? Their dreadful sense of style? Cheap cologne? Very uncivilized? Talk about women (who they supposedly love) as Bitches, the Old Lady, The Wife? Have very little to do with raising their children…except to say, “Hey, I ain’t shooting blanks.” They crave oral sex, then either disdain the woman who obliges, or call someone they HATE a nasty euphemism for the vary same act? What about Het Women? Polyesther pants in very noisy colors, that fit them maybe 3 sizes ago? Having children…then ignoring them. Or, getting Pregnant…and aborting the child because it is inconvenient? Then there is their tendancy toward ‘Country’ decor…you know that blue/gray color, lot’s of oak or (shudder) oak veneer, geese doodads, samplers that say, “Back Door Friends are Best”…and those hideous magazines! Right in the grocery store. “How to enjoy sex with you husband!”, “Never had an Orgasm? Ten Tips on how to enjoy Sex!” “Husband won’t make love? Try these teasers?” Is that all you people think about? Then of course, the “Ask The Pediatrician” column in these same magazines…“My son fell iceskating yesterday. This morning his ankle is all purple and swollen three times the size. He can’t stand on it. What should I do?” …Here’s a hint, idiot: Take him to the Dr. and don’t write to a monthly magazine to figure it out!
Also they way they talk. Dese, dem’s doze.Ain’t. Ir-Regardless…Is it put on? If so Why? Or are they simply genetically inferior? Also, why are they so…well, unattractive?

The Voice

Heterosexual’s should stop complaining about ugly Lesbian’s unless they stop breeding them!-- Rita Mae Brown

God help anyone who dared make those kind of generalizations about Homosexuals or any other minority. I think I’m ready to classify The Voice with the likes of Thorwhosit.

The Voice, please tell me this is some sort of ironical/satyrical message…

      • “Why do hets act the way they do?”
      • Because we can. 99% Hets, 1% gays. Gays are a minor-minority. Always have been, always will be. -And should be. When the majority of the world’s population chooses not to procreate, our species will be in deep doo-doo. So get used to it. - MC

Papa:God help anyone who dared make those kind of generalizations about Homosexuals or any other minority. I think I’m ready to classify The Voice with the likes of Thorwhosit.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Voice says:
Clearly you didn’t read the topic “Flamers (gay)”…I just did. This is a satire of that revolting,stupid,insulting,“some of my best friends are_”,patronizing,“I know a Gay person, aren’t I the bomb,” generalization…
God Help anyone who dare, indeed!

Yepitsme Says:The Voice, please tell me this is some sort of ironical/satyrical message…>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Thank God!!! Yes, Yes. It is indeed.

All I really remember from that thread is your comment that Heterosexuals were all boring. By that time I felt the thread had just become silly. Please clarify the intent of your OP. I’m hoping I’m missing something here.

Why do hets act the way they do?"

      • Because we can. 99% Hets, 1% gays. Gays are a minor-minority. Always have been, always will be. -And should be. When the majority of the world’s population chooses not to procreate, our species will be in deep doo-doo. So get used to it. - MC <<<<<<<

MC, Thanks for reminding me. Hets stink at Math, too.
BTW, You sound proud of the BO, bad english, chaep cologne…Good for you! Claim your ignorance! Stand up for your stink! You go, Girl!

PaPaBear: All I really remember from that thread is your comment that Heterosexuals were all boring. By that time I felt the thread had just become silly. Please clarify the intent of your OP. I’m hoping I’m missing something here.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Papa, that was my visceral response. That thread was a collection of generalizations about a small minority of Gay men. So, I took facts about certain portions of the Heterosexual population, put them into a new topic/question and viola! Of course it was a generalization. You don’t realize how many Homosexual People that you meet everyday, because whether it’s your grocer or broker, the lady at 7-11, the guy in the next office, the construction worker on the road, The State Trooper who pulled you over …and on and on…because they don’t “Flame” or wear an I am Gay sign.
Look, my mother and father were Hetero’s.My mother still is. My father was til the day he died. My sisters are. But that thread was so revolting I wanted to respond in kind. So I did.
La Voce

Thanks for the clarification.

Revolting,stupid,insulting?You are in a good mood.I started the thread as a question I had wondered about.I don’t think I am cool because I knew gay men.My husband was mainly gay,and I saw all of his friends and co-workers.Get a life!

And someone called my post a waste of space?

I wonder how many people would be offended if someone started a post that said “why are all black people…” and then started in with stereotypes about black people. How would we take it if people chimed in with comments such as “oh, I know a black person - he is really nice”? This comment, though probably not meant this way, sounds as if it is a novelty to know a nice black person. It’s like saying “oh they aren’t really all wife beating gang banging dead-beat fathers who can’t hold a job and live in the ghetto” (yes, that was over-dramatization), as if there is the underlying assumption that they are those things, and it is our job to assure people there are “normal” black people.

The same could be said for many different topics “why are all mexicans/brits/americans/white people/women/homosexuals/etc this or that”. To many, inculding myself, those posts, or rather the ideas behind them can be offensive, or in the least pointless(the assumptions and stereotypes. Even the attempt to debunk the stereotypes often offends by making it seem as if the people in question are not just people - the same in many ways and different in many ways).
Anyway, just trying to say that I can see how The Voice would get fed up with it. I have heard many people of different races and genders complain the same thing.

Actually, I’m of the opinion that we will be in “deep doo-doo” unless more people choose not to procreate.

Voice, don’t worry…I took your post in the vein it was intended and had a good laugh. In fact, you’ve given me many good ideas for the “Straight Pride” parade I’ve been planning: The “country goose” float and the Beer-belly, BO, B*ll-scratchin’ brigade. :wink:

I’m not even going to justify this thread with a post.


“The day after tomorrow is the third day of the rest of your life.” -George Carlin

Would the Voice have dared to make fun of blacks in the same way that he makes fun of heterosexuals? I bet he wouldn’t have.

There are a few groups that it is still acceptable to make fun of in the US today. The most common example, of course, is working-class white men (AKA rednecks, greasers, white trash, trailer trash). Of course, you’ll find as many decent, friendly, intelligent working-class white men as you’ll find among any other group of people. But it’s OK to make fun of them as a group. Of course, their ancestors were the guys at Guadalcanal and Normandy. Not that that matters or anything.

      • Okay anybody, I recall that most neutral studies done around the world had placed the percentage of population as actively homosexual at about 1%. What part of the math is bad? - MC
      • “Why do hets act the way they do?”
        - - - Because we can. 99% Hets, 1% gays. Gays are a minor-minority. Always have been, always will be. -And should be. When
        the majority of the world’s population chooses not to procreate, our species will be in deep doo-doo. So get used to it. - MC <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Actually, I think it’s 90 and 10-- or one in ten-- or Two in Twenty, the name of an all-lesbian soap opera.

Shopping is still cheaper than therapy. --my Aunt Franny