Is there a way that I can get outlook express to not mark email to my hotmail junk mailbox as new while marking inbox email as new? How?
Have you tried setting up your hotmail account to send spam to your trash folder before you set up the OE?
How about going on line to your hotmail account (without OE) and setting a higher security setting?
what you can do like i do is use _ in the user name , i have a hotmail account untouched by spam make it something like [name][name] and you will NEVER get spam , unless you sign up for less than reputable mailing lists that is
jack@ss no but by going back into hotmail I see that I have 3 choices, 1 send junkmail to the junkmailbox 2, automatically delete junkmail, 3 just fwd everything to Opal and just say the hell w/ the whole thing.
I would have it sent to the trash except that one email that wasn’t spam ended up there and it would have never reached me (it gets deleted not sent to the trash folder)
geepee I have such an email address but need one that has good filters that I can give out in situations where I might make a spammer’s list. - I think I have my hotmail account registered w/ SDMB.
Your Outlook Express program should have an option for account synchronization that allows you to choose from which Hotmail folders you want to download messages.
Bring up you Hotmail folders in Outlook Express and select the “Bulk Mail” folder. Hit the “Settings” button and select “Don’t synchronize.” Outlook will now no longer pull messages for that folder.