House 11/1

One of the best episodes so far, I thought. Ron Livingston’s character was an excellent target for House’s cynicism.

It was natural for Cameron to be attracted to Sebastian, but after a while you could actually see her mentally comparing him to House, and deciding that she liked House better.

Okay, the actual plot concerning the tumor in Sebastian’s pancreas was pretty lame, but that’s not why we watch the show, is it?

Favorite moment: House looking into the camera and saying “That is NOT tuberculosis.” I also liked House’s reaction to Cuddy putting on makeup.

It was hard to go a whole month without House. It was great to see him back in full sarcasm mode, with the expressions to match, as well as the attitude.

Best line: “Welcome aboard the good ship Ass Kisser.” :smiley:

That doctor, though…He was going to die just to make a point? Sheesh…The logical thing for such an activist to do would be to stay alive and continue fighting for the cause. But it made for some good drama and plenty of media attention, so maybe that’s what he wanted after all.
Welcome back, House!

My favorite line was, “Nobel invented dynamite. I don’t want his blood money.”

I totally tried to tape this but it didnt work. I hate VCRs.

I was just starting to get into House right before the World Series. I was jazzed to see last night’s ep but of course I am not intelligent enough to set a VCR up for timed recording, even though I’ve done it before.

House yelling “That’s not TB” into the camera was my favorite line as well.

I am glad that next week’s episode seems to delve further into House’s life (ah, what people his parents must be :D).

I read that House’s parents are played by:

Diane Baker and R. Lee Ermey.

Actually, my favorite line was House’s buddy’s response “Now that’s compelling television.”
I did come in late to the show last night, courtesy of not having set the clock in my car back. I got home from some errands thinking it was ten o’clock, puttered around for a while, and then realized that it was only 9:20. D’oh! So I wasn’t quite sure what the hunky dying patient’s motivation was. But I am wondering how he explained walking out of the hospital to the media when he’d made such a big deal out of dying of TB. You’d think he’d be creeping out the back in sheer embarassment.

That was the weak scene for me. It reminded me of the scene fro Office Space where Peter tells Joanna he’s not going to work anymore.

I was actually frightened to see the TV Guide that proclaimed House will be back this season with “more passion”. I’m a sucker for soap opera, but not when it comes to House. Keep it cynical, forget passion!!

Perhaps, but without character development, the ‘formula’ would probably bore too many people for the show to last more than a few seasons. Remember, the best episode of the series (Three Stories) dealt heavily in House’s background.

Last night’s episode spent the least amount of time possible going over symptoms and possible causes of the disease of the week. They aren’t even trying to make this a medical mystery show anymore. I mean, everybody knows by now that the MRIs and EKGs and blood work that they do in the first half hour will be useless.

The weak scene for me was the one in the operating room, when they are “poking” the tumor in his pancreas. Of course House will let the patient’s blood sugar drop to dangerously low levels, and of course they will revive him at the last minute.

His motivation was to call attention to the fact that TB drugs that are readily available here in the US are not being made available to sick people in Africa. He was saying that he doesn’t deserve the drugs more than they do.

I have it on tape

I don’t know. One thing I’ve always liked about Law & Order is they stay out of the characters’ personal lives, except for tangentially. Apparently McCoy sleeps with most of his ADAs but you wouldn’t know it through any longing glances or sexual tension build-up. As long as they don’t sap out when describing his background it’ll be OK.

You missed the end (and IMO the funniest part) of the quote: “Pucker up, me hearties!” :smiley:

I guess the question to ask is whether you liked “Three Stories”. I figure it’ll be somewhat like that… if they do flashbacks. Though it seems next week is going to be a lot of House trying to avoid his folks.

I think L&O has a much stronger formula than House. There is only so much you can do with medical mysteries before it all starts to get silly. Crime is great, because you can bring in all sorts of different concepts without it being the same old thing.

It’s kind of like Buffy and the Monster of the Week. Yes, you need that MotW to explain the situation she’s in, but the real interest is in the character interplay, not the final battle.

Yep, more of that will be fine. Uncover his motivation and character without getting maudlin about it.