House of the Dragon 2.06 "Smallfolk" 7/21/24 OPEN SPOILERS

Anything that was on the show requires no spoiler boxes. Any material from outside of the show (books, leaks, etc) requires spoiler boxes.

[quote=“SenorBeef, post:1, topic:1004316”]
2.01: A Son for a Son
2.02: Rhaenyra The Cruel
2.03: The Burning Mill
2.04: The Red Dragon and The Gold
2.05: Regent

So Seasmoke chose Addam, Corlys’ bastard son, to be his rider. Which is interesting, because Valaryons were not dragon riders in Valyria and Coryls is not a dragon rider. We had assumed his legitimate children got their dragon rider blood through their mother. Which leaves a lot of possibilities:

  1. Addam’s mother was a Targ even if it was an illegitimate relationship, which seems unlikely given the high value and rarity of Targaryens - it seems unlikely one of them could have a secret bastard kid
  2. Corlys had enough dragonrider/Targ ancestry from intermarriage to pass it down himself but for whatever reason never became a dragonrider himself
  3. The most interesting possibility: you don’t actually need Targaryen ancestry to ride a dragon, that’s a myth they spun to keep dragons under their own control
  4. The funniest possibility: Seasmoke mistook Addam for Laenor or thought “eh, close enough”. Or at least he sensed the similarity between them.

Interestingly enough, you can’t just assume that Addam will be instantly loyal to Coryls or Rhaenyra - he was clearly unhappy with his father’s refusal to acknowledge him in the opening scene.

I have to wonder if Seasmoke was fucking with Ser Kingsguard when he appeared to be willing to let him ride him and then bbq’d him. A dragon version of a practical joke. More likely we’re meant to interpret that his sudden overconfidence and early celebration pissed Seasmoke off. It was a bit silly to go from tentative, terrified steps to declaring victory way too early.

Then again, testing out her distant Targ theory on Seasmoke seems like a bad idea. She knows Laenor is alive, right? So if Seasmoke rejected a rider, she wouldn’t know if it was because the dragon wouldn’t bond with someone new while their rider was alive or because of insufficient ancestry.

Daemon’s plot has spun its wheels now for like 5 episodes in an 8 episode season. It was nice to see Vizzy T again and it was a bit revealing that Daemon actually loved his brother, but we’ve been doing this same thing all season. It was particularly absurd when he accused the Castellan of poisoning him. Don’t you think it might be the mysterious woman who talks to you in riddles and prepares potions in front of you?

I gotta say, I’m enjoying prince regent Aemond. He’s probably making some mistakes, but he’s bold, and he wanted to re-hire his grandpa, so he’s not completely unwise. He absolutely could be a good wartime leader and probably have it fall apart in peace time. But he’s also alienating people unnecessarily through arrogance. He correctly called out Larys as a toad, but that was impolitic, and Larys is going to scheme his revenge on him.

I enjoyed when the crowd turned on Alicent. I’m not sure if I was supposed to. It’s always good to see an eat the rich moment. It was a savvy move by the blacks to win the smallfolk over in King’s landing. “Your real queen is doing her best to help you”

But… even though the production quality, acting, and dialogue in this show is good, we’ve hardly advanced the plot at all this season and we’re 3/4 of the way through. I’m sure the last two episodes will be bangers (as it tends to be with this show and GoT), but the setup to payoff ratio was way too skewed towards the former. We basically had variations on the same theme (let’s try to avoid war, oh no war is probably inevitable) over and over again all season.

Is that really true though? I thought last season Aegon was shown to fuck around quite a lot and this season one of the Kings Landing smallfolk claimed to be the bastard brother of Daemon and Viserys.

Yeah, you’re right. I was thinking of a first gen bastard from a woman named Targaryen, which would be hard to pull off, but whoever Coryls was with could’ve been the daughter or granddaughter of a bastard offspring. Depending on what level of targ ancestry is required there could be a lot of unknown Targ DNA out there. Of course that would be unsatisfying happenstance for a universe and show that puts so much emphasis on ancestry.

In GRRM’s writings, he mentions MANY Targaryen bastards, one of which wielded Aegon the Conqueror’s sword in his quest to seize the throne.

And remember season 1 of HOTD, where it showed many blonde-haired kids in the slave pits, and noted they were bastards of the royal house.

This was basically my thought. Get to it! There were memes on twitter weeks ago to wrap up Harrenhall. S1 was also deliberate rather than slow. This season is slooooow.

It’s just the nature of the source material, the whole book is presented as an in world history book. It only covers the main beats of the story, everything else has to be made up filler. There just so happens to be nothing for Daemon to do for now.

It’s an adaptation. Adapt.

I also don’t think there’s enough going on elsewhere (Rhaenyra has just been whining about not being respected) that they couldn’t have condensed the slow parts significantly.

The real answer a healthy dose of #2 and #3. The Velaryons are of Valyrian ancestry along with the Targaryens, and also had centuries of intermarriage. Most other Valyrian families died out centuries ago. Valyrian ancestry seems to be necessary but not sufficient, so for Corlys it means that he would have had the basic ability to ride but not an inevitability. Plus I don’t think he wants to be in the sky but on the seas.

#1 is unknown, always possible. I’ll let you advance #4 if you want though.

I think it would be more obvious if Velaryons looked like Targaryens as they are supposed to. I don’t usually care about changing the appearance of characters in adaptations, but it is somewhat plot relevant here.

I’m really glad that the dog is getting a play-through in the story, even though this time Ulf was considering eating him. I hope the little guy makes it through.

Daemon’s story finally got more interesting. Maybe all this forced introspection will make him think about his choices. Now that Alys got the old man out of the way, we will see what the Tully kid is made of.

Helaena said “This one’s stopped singing - isn’t that strange?” I’m interested to see what that’s about.

I was surprised that a heretofore minor character like Addam hooked up with a dragon and wondered if the more prominently featured Alyn would get another unaffiliated one.

The tactical situation is about to change. Aemon, with new reins of power, might become more selective about throwing himself and his juggernaut into the fray but having the enemy fleet increasing by a dragon or two may not give him that luxury.

Were they crickets or something?

I think it’s mainly showing that she’s not mentally well.

Sure, generations of inbreeding in Valyria would make things a bit different.

I figured it was dead, and they’re showing that she’s so out of touch, she doesn’t get that. I’m sure it will come up again.

I don’t recall the scene, but every time she’s said something weird so far it’s been prophetic, no?

Yes. And that’s how I took her comment noting the cricket had stopped singing. It means something. We just don’t know what, yet. (At least, I don’t!)

They adapted the ending of GOT and look how that turned out. Be careful what you wish for.

They didn’t, because there is no written end of ASOIAF to adapt.

The LOTR films were adaptations that cut out two sections that were really weird tonally compared to the rest of the story to the great benefit of the films. The idea that you need to keep something bad in a story is weird.

It’s not that they need to keep something bad in the story, the problem is that there is no story there and they have to make up filler.

Cut it. Condense it. Add something for him to do. I reject the premise that it’s impossible to improve on Daemon doing the same thing for 4 straight episodes.