House of the Dragon 2.01 "Son for a son" 6/16/24 OPEN SPOILERS

Open spoilers for anything that has been on the show. If you want to bring in information about (probable) future events based on written material please spoiler box it.

Last year we had one big thread but I think we have enough discussion about the show for each episode to merit its own thread, and it makes it a lot easier to talk about specific episodes this way.

Glad it’s back. Didn’t think much happened and that the plot was very sloppy. I didn’t read the source material and have forgotten the references to this time period in ASOIAF, but I hope it’s not just a series of bungled events. (Please don’t say)

I’ve not seen the episode yet (will be remedying this tonight!) but I’ve used the lull between seasons to read George RR Martin’s “Fire and Blood”, on which this show is based. If they stick close to the text then I reckon we’re in for a treat!

Unfortunately we’ve got a major miss on that already. The Blood and Cheese chapter was so perfectly written - we got a much inferior version for no apparent reason.

On the plus side, it looks great. Some of the actors did their best with the material they had.

Now all that is needed to be another Game Of Thrones is merely interesting characters, multiple compelling subplots, humour, ribaldry, songs, extras, suspense and novelty. Because I kept checking the time left… the family and political intrigues were pretty monotone.

The scene with Jace reporting to Rhaenyra while both are trying not to break down was incredibly well done.

Looks great, nice production value.

It’s too hard to tell the characters apart, they all look alike and have much too similar names.

I know it’s sacrilege, but same issue I had with LOTR. Everybody is aragorn or aromir or erhowan or some other identical sounding name.

Even Matt Smith and the dude with the eye patch look too much alike.

I think that’s very intentional. They even walk exactly the same.

I expect there will be quite a showdown between those two before all is said and done. But I’ve never read the books, so I don’t know if that’s contemplated or not.

The little recap at the beginning didn’t really help much with remembering how people were related and who betrayed who since it’s been so long since season 1. It also doesn’t help that the brown-haired kids are from the white-haired Queen, and the white-haired kids are from the brown-haired one. That’s not confusing at all.

I guess the seed is strong.

As was the initial scene with Jace and Cregan Stark. How great to see Winterfell and Castle Black again, and to see Ice slung over Cregan’s shoulder like he’s just ready to stroll into battle against some wights & white walkers.

Generations of inbreeding will do that. It’s only been a few days (weeks?) and Daemon is already struggling with his role as king-consort. Probably not a good sign.

Indeed, a strange departure. Perhaps because the kids are younger in the show?

Of course that opens up the plot hole as to the lack of guards on the Royal floor. And if they were sent away by Cole, so he could carry out his affair, well he’d have to suffer some consequences for letting the heir get murdered right?

HBO invested in some, if confusing PR.

I like the new intro. It beats the hell out of whatever that was in the first season. It felt to me that the first season built the world and this season it’s being lived in. It’s a lot slower pace, of course, as it builds up to the actual war.

Daemon really screwed up with his impulsive plan. He had an in to the Red Keep. If he had been strategic about it, he could have done some real damage. Those guys got right in the throne room. But that avenue will be shut down. Poor Jaehaerys. I wonder if his mother gave him up because she didn’t want him to grow up to be king.

She’s always seemed a bit simple and not a schemer at all. I think she was just a normal woman scared out of her mind that didn’t think to try to trick them in the heat of the moment. Though I’m not sure what the literary purpose of including the confusion was - to build the tension or something else?

Killing Aemond could’ve been a war-winning play rather than simple revenge. It would’ve left Vhagar, the biggest weapon in the war, at least temporarily riderless which I would assume would impede her chances in a fight. A little more planning and some better assassins would’ve gone a long way.

I know Matt Smith is Daemon but the whole episode I wasn’t sure which one was Aegon or Aemond.

I was walking on 34th St yesterday and saw that! Wasn’t sure what it was til I looked it up after. That also explains why the Empire State Building was flashing green Saturday night.

Was it just that? because there was like five guards partying with Aegon.

I imagine she simply would not fight unless attacked.

My thought would be that they couldn’t control her location and so the Blacks could plan attacks anywhere she’s not and have dragon superiority.