How Army blows: Let me count the ways

The Navy - 200+ years of tradition. Unimpeded by progress.

Go Army - get their goat!

Sue from El Paso

Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted.

Monty – have to stand up for my taunting and cheering rights here. It’s true I was enlisted, but I was also a cadet. As was my father, my uncle, both grandfathers, my great-uncle, my … .well, you get the idea.

Of course, I **was</> the one who cut hsort the tradition, but still – you can’t cut all the ties at once.

One more thing.
Go Knights!!!

The best lack all conviction
The worst are full of passionate intensity.

Damn – some scurvy-ridden squid vandalized my UBB code. heh-heh. Jokes on them. While they were distracted I shaved their goat. He looks just like an admiral, now.

Ryshad wishes to emulate the biggest gay-stereotyped disco group of all time? (Kinda like the Cadet’s offensive line.)

Monty – Junior officers are inept at verbally defending themselves – too “rah-rah.” It takes dedicated senior enlisted personnel to show them how it is done properly. (Much like “shoe tying” in the Army.)

Lioness – I’m a marksman too. And I have a bigger gun than your nephew.

Spiritus – Once again shaving small barnyard animals, are you? What’s your support group gonna say?


Well, I don’t know about that, I haven’t seen my nephews gun since I changed his diaper. ( Bad reference to the Armys punishment drill with guys standing in their undershorts with their weapon yelling "This is my rifle, ::grabbing crotch:: this is my gun, This is for fighting, ::again grabbing crotch:: this is for fun. )

But you don’t know exactly when I live, nephew does ! Yes, you could take out the whole city to get me, but then you would have a lot of splainin to do.

Ayesha - Lioness

There are two solutions to every problem : the wrong one, and mine
(Thomas A. Edison)

Well, Army’s sucking donkey dick.
So mebee you gots some ‘polojizin’ ta do?

And with that final interception, it looks like a whole shitload of Army fans will be eating crow here Monday (they couldn’t eat squid!)!

Ha Ha!

Oh, well. I was getting sick of barbecued goat every year anyway.

::enters room with covered tray::
::removes cover::
::covers liberally with tobasco::
::eats crow::

Not so bad. Better than K-rats, not as good as LURPS. Anyone got a John wayne cookie?
Besides, I ate squid yesterday and I still can’t get it out from between my teeth.

The best lack all conviction
The worst are full of passionate intensity.

Well, personally, I would say you were foolish to die for an ungrateful country such as this one, but its better than any other country that I can think…
But ur… um… armed forces *rock!

*denotes sarcasm

I still wanna know where the goat mascot comes from for those boatsmen.

OTOH, if the army blows and their team sucks, the sailors won’t be needing their goats for a while.

In my own best interest, and that of Uncle Sam, I studiously avoided military service. That fact, however, will not keep me from advancing my theory on the enesis of the respective mascots.

::On board a large ship, meeting in progress::
“Gentlemen, we need a mascot for our school - any ideas?”
“Sir, we have boats, Sir. Perhaps something that rhymes with ‘boat’?”
“Excellent! What rhymes with ‘boat’?”
::Army spy, snickering:: “Goat, Sir! ‘Goat’ rhymes with ‘boat’!”
“Excellent! Goat it is! We’ll name him ‘Horny’! All the seamen will get behind him - one at a time, of course, we are gentlemen.”
“Me first!” “Clear the deck!”

::Under an olive drab Army issue tent, meeting in progress::
“Sir, intelligence reports that Navy is selecting a school mascot! We cannot be outdone!”
“Right, soldier, we shall have a mascot as well. Something descriptive of the Army, and fitting of our troops. Any ideas?”
::Navy spy, snickering:: “What is another word for ass, Sir?”::
“Donkey! Donkey is another word for ass! Shall we have a donkey for a mascot?”
::Navy spy::“With all due respect, Sir, donkeys have balls. Doesn’t quite seem to fit the Army image, Sir.”
“Yes, right. Something else then, like a donkey but with no balls.”
“A mule, Sir? A mule is like a donkey.”
“But a mule has balls, has it not?”
“Yes, Sir, it does, but they do not work.”
“Capital! A mule it is then - but get one from a deceased soldier, we don’t want to break up a relationship.”

The overwhelming majority of people have more than the average (mean) number of legs. – E. Grebenik

ROFL :wink:

Wicked, Herr Doctor.

Of course, I only read the first half.

MMMMM, crow ain’t bad.

Happy now Chief ?

Ayesha - Lioness

There are two solutions to every problem : the wrong one, and mine
(Thomas A. Edison)

Doc – A tip of the combination cover to you, sir. I can take ribbing as good as I give.