I don’t question Kris Humphries conclusion thathis marriage to Kim Kardashianwas planned and executed by the Kardashians and their advisors as a money generating publicity stunt. The only question I have is how would he prove this? Unless there is some file labeled “top secret wedding plot” couldn’t all this have been constructed simply with conversations between Kim Kardashian and her mother?
What is the finacial gain in this case? Who demands money from whome? Who profits from press interest?
Follow the money…
The primary earners in this case were the Kardashian family, specifically Kris Jenner Kim’s mother who negotiated huge payouts from a number of celebrity magazines and media outlets for access to the wedding. The money involved was reputed to be between 10-15 million dollars.
Not speaking to the specifics, because I don’t know, but fraud can be proven: if nothing else, things are often put in writing: texts and emails, especially. Then there are witnesses to conversations. It’s also possible to have evidence of actions that suggest fraudulent intent: for example, if the bride continued to have another romantic relationship throughout the courtship/marriage/divorce.
Yes, it’s possible to commit the perfect crime, but people often do not.