This is weird–a few weeks ago, when I last logged in, I had only 15-20 threads I was tracking (I keep it low and manageable).
I logged in today, just for a moment, and now it looks like I have several dozens or more, going all the way back to 2000-2001. It seems as if all of the threads I’d either started, or posted in, are now tracked.
What happened? Did some setting get changed?
Take it from me: I am not that interesting. . .
On the top right corner click on your badge (explosives), then on the bottom right there is something which sort of looks like a person. You click on it and it is profile. the 5th line down says preferences, which you click on and one of the entries which says tracking. There might be something there which is set so you have so many tracked items.
Unfortunately not. I see settings tor tracking threads I visit for 10 minutes, or that I post in/reply to, but nothing that explains how I got so many tracked so quickly. . . Somehow, the settings have changed to where I’m tracking threads I haven’t visited /participated with in years.
Is there no way to mass “untrack all”?
This is a disco_bot thing, isn’t it. He’s getting his revenge . . .
Go to your unread page. Catch up on the fresh ones you actually care about until your unread page is only old stuff from long ago.
Refresh the Unread page & click [dismiss]. That will update all the old dormant threads as if you’d just now read them to the very end. You’re still tracking them, but since nobody is updating them, they’ll just sit there dormant. And they’ll all be gone from your unread page until / unless somebody posts another post to them.
It seems that occasionally some mass update to the database is triggering this happening to some people. I have no specific idea why/ how. But I believe my remedy will solve your annoying symptoms.
Interesting. . . when I go to my Unread page, nothing shows up. But when I go to this tracking page its when everything shows up. I know what you’re asking me to do, 'cause I’ve done that before. But this time the unread page is blank, but all my tracked threads seem to be cornfielded, zombies, or corny zombies,
I don’t know of any other way to pull up tracked threads, and I’m obliged to @crowmanyclouds for the link in this thread.
I do wish I knew how to ‘film’ my onscreen pages to show you a movie of what I’m seeing and doing. . . That’d probably help.
Looking back at that link, it seems this has been asked before!
The url you linked to is
Which simply shows all the threads you are tracking (IOW, all threads you ever posted to or read for awhile), listed in order by their latest post.
As long as you’ve been here, that ought to be thousands. What’s interesting to me is how you came to be looking at that link at all. And how it might ever have done anything different than what I’ve described.
To be clear, I’m no expert on Discourse. I’m just feeling my way around like the rest of us, and trying to read the labeling on the tin to see what it means.
I hear ya! I’m in the same boat, and am obliged for your help!
I originally asked the question here:
and @crowmanyclouds was kind enough to post the url I linked to above.
I will swear on my Pythagoras’ grave, that I had only a dozen or so threads actively tracked up until a few week ago. How do I know? i went through the list (via the url), opened each thread, and selected ‘Normal’ instead of ‘Tracking’ to clean up that list, since there seemed to be no answer on ‘mass untracking.’ How dozens and dozens of unread-for-years threads became actively tracked after I’d done the ‘dismissal’ steps you laid out is beyond me.
Here’s what I’m going to do: over the course of the next few weeks’ free time, I’m going to manually untrack each thread by opening each one and selecting ‘normal’ (save for a few token ones) to clear out the inventory. I’ll let you know when I do, so we can establish a date/time.
I only want to focus my attention on a few tracked threads at a time.
I have tens of thousands of tracked threads. Substantially every thread I’ve ever read or participated in. But I never click the latest/tracked link so I never see that list. Nor do I care how large it is or isn’t.
I just use the Unread list, which are those tracked threads that someone has posted to recently. Those are threads I’ve already read to the end previously, so I’m being notified that there’s now new content at the bottom to look at. When I do read from the old end of the thread to the new end of the thread, it disappears from unread. Until somebody else adds another post.
If I truly lose interest in a thread then I’ll switch it from [tracking] to [normal]. That happens on some long-running rant threads and such. Or those that get stupid and pissy.
I also use the New link, which are threads that are recently created that I’ve never seen at all.
Between unread and new I’ve got everything covered. I just never use any flavor of the “latest” pages.
You’re not me and there’s no need for you to do it my way. But I thought I’d pass it along as another way to maybe accomplish whatever your goals are.
Which, to me is weird, because up until a few weeks ago, I’d not seen my entire SDMB career in one location (or a good portion of it anyway–I don’t think its complete). I had no idea that the unread and dismiss functions could pretty much “isolate” tracked-cornfield-zombies.
I’m on a roll though. . .
Some threads from my youth are best left as corny-zombies.