How did I come to start tracking *hundreds* of threads?

I hear ya! I’m in the same boat, and am obliged for your help!

I originally asked the question here:

and @crowmanyclouds was kind enough to post the url I linked to above.

I will swear on my Pythagoras’ grave, that I had only a dozen or so threads actively tracked up until a few week ago. How do I know? i went through the list (via the url), opened each thread, and selected ‘Normal’ instead of ‘Tracking’ to clean up that list, since there seemed to be no answer on ‘mass untracking.’ How dozens and dozens of unread-for-years threads became actively tracked after I’d done the ‘dismissal’ steps you laid out is beyond me.

Here’s what I’m going to do: over the course of the next few weeks’ free time, I’m going to manually untrack each thread by opening each one and selecting ‘normal’ (save for a few token ones) to clear out the inventory. I’ll let you know when I do, so we can establish a date/time.

I only want to focus my attention on a few tracked threads at a time.