How did I not know about this website until yesterday?

It’s just a lot of articles submitted by the readers of the site on how to make/modify/hack/etc… all sorts of things. I’ve already made myself a paper wallet!

I’d love to make a Green Lantern ring, but I don’t have any kind of jewelery making supplies, dagnabit.

I’d never heard of it either until just now.

I could make you a Green Lantern ring, but it would have to be out of Fimo clay rather than metal, as I don’t have a complete studio…yet. :wink:

Cool! I’ve bookmarked it.

Holy crap, how long 'til Google buys it?

If you like Instructables, be sure to check out MAKE: Blog and the Craftzine blog.. Both have groups over on Instructables as there’s a lot of crossover between the sites.

Also be sure to check out Howtoons if you have kids who like tinkering and making things - Linkydoodle

My favorite: Hacked Gadgets

Hackaday is another site. Seems to be a lot of cross-pollination going on.