Two or three hours ago I posted something in GD (When will blacks let the past go?), and then went to another window and forgot all about it. When I looked back at GD, my post appeared 3 times! I am pretty sure that I didn’t push the “submit” button more than once–I don’t think I do things like that, and anyway, I wasn’t even looking at that window. Then again, I do have little brain farts sometimes.
Is it possible that some evil spirit in the computer system did that? I’m willing to consider supernatural explanations, if it will exonerate me from wrongdoing.
No, actually I just want to know what I did to cause that. I feel sure this question has been asked by newbies before me, but my searches didn’t turn anything up. Help?
Sometimes the board, for want of a better word, hiccups. When it does, we occasionally find quite a few people have double or triple posted. Sometimes a poster has hit “submit” more than once, though with flood control it won’t go through if you hit that button rapidly. In other words, I don’t know HOW this happened to you! I’m SO helpful in the mornings!
Sometimes double or triple posts can happen when you get a “Connection Timed Out” after posting. I noticed that when this happened, I would push re-load, and there would be a double post!
I know this is how all my double posts happen, and I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if the majority of all double/triple posts happen this way.
MrO and I are on the same university LAN system (which seems to be run by a group of poorly trained Lemurs)… my guess is that the fault lies with our LAN. It usually does!
Hmmm…I think pepperlandgirl may have something there. I seem to remember having a “Connection Timed Out” in one window around that time, and if so, I’m sure I hit reload. I didn’t know that would be like hitting submit again. Thanks!
Then again, I like the idea of putting this on TommyTwoTies. Or even on the LAN. Anything but admit that it might have been me!