How do I find a specific mobile ringtone for a specific mobile phone model?

I have an LG VX3200 from Verizon (basic info here: Expert Tested: The 9 Best Smartphones in 2021 ). It doesn’t seem like Verizon’s website has ringtones for my phone (they have other LG models but not mine :().

I guess one question would be: how DO you download ringtones and find ones compatible with your specific model?

But so I was thinking how I would kill for a ringtone of Kraftwerk’s “Pocket Calculator”, “Showroom Dummies” or “Das Modell”. I don’t know if it’s possible to find one for mine, or if I’d be able to make one myself… :confused:

It’s so odd. I’m 22 and a Computer Science major, but I’m rather behind on a lot of mobile phone things (I still don’t know how to use my own voicemail. Heh).

I’m pretty sure your phone will play polyphonic ringtones in MIDI format. Ways of getting them onto your phone vary, but you generally get the MIDI file, crop it to the part you’d like to use as the ringtone (about 30 seconds worth), upload it somewhere, and then either navigate to that URL on your phone’s minibrowser or to the URL of a text file with a description of the ringtone content.

That’s how it works with my Sprint phone, anyway. Upon further googling, it seems that you’ll need a VZWPix account, and from there you can send the file straight to your phone. I think.