How do I find the music from a TV ad?

There’s a beer ad that I’ve seen on tv (RTE, I believe, in Ireland) a few times now. I don’t know what beer it’s for, but it’s a clever little spot where a guy walks around and, if something annoys him (eg, boss, yappy dog, cop writing a ticket), he just grabs them and they ‘turn into’ paper, easy to fold up and toss away. At the end he does the same to himself, and ends up at a party wearing hip clothes (and, presumably, drinking whatever beer.) I think - but I’m guessing - that it’s a Miller Lite ad. I can’t find it anywhere online, and besides: I want the song playing in the background, not the actual ad.

Any hints how to track that down?

Try . It is UK-based, but I believe it has forums where you can post queries…

I see that site is down at the moment, and was yesterday too. I do hope it hasn’t died, as it was very useful…

Try this one:

Large forum, message boards; you can usually get an answer pretty quickly. I’ve avoided some sleepless nights by going there!

Here’s one more you might try:

I see there is also

There’s also but their current section seems to be down at the moment.