I’ll try to keep this short. I know this man is on parole in Tennessee.
He may be under “house arrest” but I’m not sure what the details
are with that–just that he has to be at his grandmother’s house every
Tuesday night when his parole officer shows up. He doesn’t actually live
there anymore. He is involved with a young mom (two kids, ages 5 & 7),
he was in prison (not jail) for a meth related charge.
There is concern for these children…
is the prison info & parole info considered public information?
I only have this guy’s name & I know what county he did time in…
is this enough to find out more about him?
Thanks for any help…
First thing, if you are concerned about the welfare of the children, call the Children and Family Services (or whatever the Department is called in Tennessee) and tell them about your concern. Give them as much detail as possible.
Second, I believe (but I do not know for certain) that convictions are public records. If it were me I’d break out the phone book and start calling around trying to find someone who could point me in the right direction. That would be assuming there was no way I could get the information about who the parole officer is from the grandmother…
Yes it is. If he was convicted of a felony in Tennessee, you can look up his parole records here.
Is your concern for the children simply that he was in prison for drugs? Or is he endangering the children somehow? Is there repeated drug use around or violence directed towards the children?
Just because the guy made some mistakes in his past doesn’t make him a threat to children. Unless those past mistakes were child molesting or abuse or something…
Just saying is all
If he is a convicted Sex Offender then all you have to do is google for Tennessee Sex Offender and you will get a site that he is supposed to register with upon his release from prison.
Thanks so much for the information…especially the Tn. Felony Offender
We have a reason to be concerned about this guy that goes beyond
“he made a mistake, give him another chance”…I’m all for people
being able to leave mistakes behind them & reach a better life.
Believe me, I’m no angel myself, but this guy could do some serious
damage to innocent lives.
I’d like to have as much information as possible.
Ya know, forewarned & all that.
I really really appreciate the assistance.