How Do I Grow Lotus Flowers?

I have a small garden pool, and I want to grow a lotus flower this summer. I understand that lotus will not floweruntill the water temp is around 75 F…so I have a while to wait. goes anybody know the best way of planting a lotus tuber so that It will flower this year? What’s a good species to try?
And, how much do they cost?:confused:

Try to grow a Black Lotus. If it matures you can tap it for 3 mana of any single color of your choice.

grew ours from seed, but it’ll take a year or two that way before they get mature enough to flower (north texas). after that, be careful or they will take over your pool. we just threw mud in the bottom of ours and it seemed to flourish with no attention other than a few goldfish providing the fertilization… you may want to have some sort of large sunken pot or shallow tub to keep the spreading down. our pool was about 2 feet deep and 25 sq feet and it took over the whole thing in a few years. if you’re buying tubers, buy ones that will do well in your climate zone, and don’t buy anything expensive until you’re sure you won’t kill it.