How do I keep IE from automatically chenging the text size?

I hate it that in IE suddenly the page will update and give me text larger than I want. Is there any way to stop that?

To specify fonts and colors to always use for Web pages

On the Tools menu in Internet Explorer, click Internet Options.
On the General tab, click Accessibility.
Change the settings as needed.

That’s not what I want. I don’t want different fonts to show up in random places because I’m not using the web page’s fonts, I want the actual text SIZE to stop changing back to being bigger. (Example: if I turn that off, the user names on this message board are some large ugly Arial font).

My older version of IE wouldn’t do this. Version 6 does it automatically and I cannot stop it.

Do you have a wheel on your mouse? If you hold down Ctrl while turning the wheel, the text size changes. Could this be the cause of what you’re seeing? If so, stay off the Ctrl key while scrolling.

Do you think I’m an idiot? No, I’m not accidentally holding down Ctrl while using the wheel. I’m also not accidentally pushing away from the computer in my chair with wheels, so the entire monitor looks smaller, nor am I leaning in really close with a magnifying glass and noticing the text is bigger. Other things I’m not accidentally doing include going to View, Text Size, Largest, going to Control Panel, Display, Settings and changing my screen to 640x480, or going to Control Panel, Display, Appearance and changing the font size to Extra large.

Repeat: This happens AUTOMATICALLY. I don’t do anything. Suddenly while I’m reading the pointer changes to the busy pointer, then the page refreshes and the text is much larger than it was. Surely other users of IE 6 have seen this happen to them?

Serious replies only, please.

Of course not, you are Cleverman.

Cleaver, calm down. You don’t want a meltdown after ten posts. People are being helpful and you are attacking them.

Now, then.

Be willing to accept that there might not be a solution. If IE decides it’s good behavior to automatically change font size and nobody within Micrsoft thought to give you a say, you’re screwed. If that turns out to be the case, consider switching to Opera as your main browser.

Other than that, I can’t help you.

If you are using IE6, do you have a default Style Sheet set?
Tools, Options, Accessibility check for the Style Sheet.
If this is set on, then styles that are set apart from the normal ones such as BODY and TABLE may show up differently (ie. Larger than expected a you do not have a style for them).
Please don’t have a go at me if this doesn’t help.

Though your reply was an overreaction, I’ll try again. First, you must understand that most of these problems do come about from something the user is doing without realizing that it relates to the undesired effect. Anyone who does a lot of troubleshooting of other people’s computer issues will agree with me.

It is therefore best to get the simple stuff out of the way early. Which is why I started with the wheel effect. Don’t take it so personally.

So you’ve got to figure out what’s up. Let’s see if more information helps. Obviously, IE is not designed to do things without any input at all. Does the text size change on all websites? Does the change happen at any particular time (i.e. 10 seconds after launch, 30 seconds after posting on the SDMB, whatever)? Does it shift up one text size (small to medium, larger to largest) or does it jump straight to largest (no matter where it was previously)? What operating system do you use? Is any other software running at the same time?

I’m just shooting in the dark now, but you never know what fact will help someone solve it.

Nope, never, ever have I seen this happen with IE 6 (or with various incarnations of IE 5, either).

Best of luck, Saltire! I’d love to be able to see this phenomenon in action - trying to troubleshoot it remotely is going to be a bitch.

Saltire was a Good Helper. Saltire may put a Good Helper sticker on his sticker chart.

sorry we don’t have stickers for saints

After all this time on the SDMB, I finally have a quote from a well-respected member that is worthy of a signature. Thanks.

Oops. It’s been so long since I had a sig that I forgot to turn it on after previewing. Here it is.



I had a problem just like this one; in my case it was Outlook interfering with IE6.

Here is a thread in which it was discussed before.

>> Do you think I’m an idiot?

You would do us a favor if you would not ask questions which we are not allowed to answer frankly in this forum and we thank you for your cooperation.

On which of your posts in this thread would you like us to base our assessment?

I don’t have style sheets turned on. I do not use Outlook. It happens with evert Webpage completely at random.

I hapen to know I’m not an idiot, but thanks for the meaningless harrassment just the same.

Thanks for the link, and thanks again for the insult Mangetout. Asshole.

>> Asshole.

Uh oh. Cleverman is not so clever man.
I wouldn’t do that if I were you.

Um, we do now…