How do I keep IE from automatically chenging the text size?

I use IE6 and this behavior does not occur for me.

I am also a web developer and can tell you that this is not normal behavior. Thus, most people who use IE6 will have no clue what you are talking about.

Ummmmmm, stop surfing for porn?

Other mail clients can have similar effects too apparently - what client, if any, are you using?
Does this happen when IE is the only application running?

I don’t use a client - I use Yahoo! mail. I have IE 6.02. You’re seriously telling me bcullman that no browser suddenly starts spinning the pointer, as if looking for an update or something, then changes the text size when finished? Bullshit. Help me, don’t help me, but don’t just invwent an answer please. I happen to know that Mac browsers so this all the time, Mr. Web developer.

sailor, Hail Ants, I wasn’t talking to you. What are you, the fucking hall monitors?

OK, how about some more info:
What OS are you running?
Did you upgrade to IE6 on this machine or was your older version on a different PC?
Have you installed anything (particularly a Microsoft application) since the upgrade?

As it happens, I am the fucking hall monitor. If you don’t want help, don’t ask. You insult another user and you’re done here. That is not how we do things here.

So knock it off.

Sorry, but they started it. I was provoked, and lost my temper. I apologize.

Mangetout, I’m running Windows XP, I upgraded to IE 6.02 from IE 6.0 because it told me to update. I’m running Office 2000, but I’ve been running that since before I upgraded. I resintalled it just to make sure that wasn’t the problem.

Sorry about calling you an asshole, I just get upset when people insult me. I also get upset when I ask for tech support and they say “Are you using the scroll wheel accidentally? Are you sure you have batteries in the remote?”

We have 20,000 members here. The simple fact is that some of them are using the scroll wheel accidently and some of them don’t have batteries in the remote.

Get over it.

Do bear in mind though, that given the brevity of your original question, the mouse wheel response was quite a valid one, anyway, water under the bridge hopefully.

I’m pretty much out of ideas; I’ve never tried uninstalling an update (although it appears to be possible in Control Panel/Add/Remove programs), so I won’t recommend that. One last thought… Is there anything in C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files that you don’t recognise?

This has happened to me a couple of times in the past. When I used my mouse wheel to scroll, the text size would change.

I just reset my text size to medium, reloaded IE and the problem solved itself.

Remotes take batteries??? :smack:

Note : Typo corrected by request of the OP.


Next time I’ll preview. :snack:

[sub]No fix for me, please.[/sub]

One of the best. Moderator. Responses. Ever.

Heh-heh. :slight_smile:

(Okay, so maybe it’s funny 'cause, in my district, they actually use hall monitors. I sure hope someone eventually makes a disparaging remark incorporating safety patrol officers. ;))


if you didn’t already know

you are being pitted


Forget it. I’m a liar, I’m an idiot, whatever. Forget I asked, I guess I have to “get over it”

Thanks for your help. Banhattan, you can close.

Sorry, Manhatten, I’ll stay in the pit after this.

I didn’t mean to call you Banhattan, it was a typo. Sorry if you were insulted.

He actually ended up rather well in The Pit, I might add.

Welcome to the Dope, Cleverman.

Does anyone else find this incredibly hilarious?