How do I save it?

in gq i asked if anyone knew of a good mp3 decoder, and wally very quickly provided this link:

now, the problem is, when i click to download, the page forwards to every single time. because of this annoying alligator i don’t seem to be able to get to where it is i need to be, to save.

any ideas?

“If anybody wants a sheep, that is proof that he exists.”

Try somewhere else. I really hate sites that do that.

I sold my soul to Satan for a dollar. I got it in the mail.

try search for ‘mp3 decoder’
PC or Mac.

If you could actually play the file, but can’t seem to save it, try this:

Use the windows (I assume windows, else this advice is useless) search function, search for *.mp3 in the c:\windows emp directory.

If you find it there, you can then move it to the directory where you want it.

Oh, oops. I thought you were trying to save an mp3, rather than the player.

I use winamp myself. has links to plenty of mp3 decoders and reviews of them.