How Do They "Support the Troops" Down in Texas?

They drive their pick-up trucks through a memorial to our fallen soldiers.

Who’s “they?” The article talks about one man in a truck. There are going to be bad apples wherever you go.

It’s Texas. We’re allowed to make broad generalizations about Texas, California, and the the south based on the actions of one or a few individuals.


Yup. Everyone in Texas sucks.

Definitely not a “they” here yet.

Anyway, That’s nothing. I hear there’s a guy in the same part of Texas who started the war.

Yeah, but he’s really from Maine. Fucking North-Easterners.

Connecticut. But lived most of his life in Texas. Just setting the record straight.

Kennebunkport is the family vacation home, not the birthplace of “W”.

I’ll let Texas and Maine fight that one out. It’s no skin off my nose. :wink:

My bad.

Yeah, but I only do this on every third Sunday of the month. I have some respect for the dead, you know.

Driving a truck over an inanimate war memorial? Pffft. Leave it to a Texan.

Here in Ohio, we drive our trucks over live, human protesters.


Do I really need a </sarcasm> tag? Oh. Okay.

Don’t forget Florida! They’re insane too.

The Sheehan story was dying of it’s own accord. The media would be packing up and leaving if it weren’t for the antics of the locals.

Poor Cindy, this on the heels of her husband just filing for divorce from her. But then, being Californians, you could pretty much see that one coming from a mile away.

I like Cindy Sheehan, and I support her cause. And I think this incident was really awful. I mean, really, really awful. There is evidence in other accounts I read (I don’t know if its true or not at this point, but its alleged) that this was very much intentional; this person attached a chain and pipe to the truck to make this more damaging, and drove fairly slowly to knock down more crosses. Until I see something pretty official, I won’t be certain ( I think in large groups like this stuff can get out of hand quickly), and I really really hope this was an accident.

If the inital reports are true, the person(s) involved should really be ashamed. And I would like to see charges brought and all that jazz. But it is wrong to blame Texas for this. I mean, at this point, aren’t Cindy and her group camped out on someone’s property, someone who volunteered to allow them to stay there? That speaks very highly for the people of Texas, especially since that person will be in that community long after Cindy has moved on. And believe me, the memory in that town will be long. Also, Cindy is being protected by the police and overall I think the town has been quite accomodating. They may or may not like it, but they seem to be behaving properly. There’s been a couple nuts, but that’s true of anywhere. I think she’d have a much worse time in my city, for example. (Of course, I live in Mississippi, so…)

I think this is awful, but I think the people of Texas shouldn’t be lumped in with this jerk.

My ex lives in Texas and she does indeed suck.

Two states enter. One state leave. Two states enter. One state leave.

I am so for that. If Maine loses we return the former disputed area to Canada and give the rest to Vermont. If Texas loses we return the former disputed area to Mexico and give the rest to Louisiana.


All my exes (except one) live in Texas.

Is she hot?

And people in California riot when things don’t go their way. :rolleyes:

You’re a shithead.

Temps today between eighty and 100, and a high dewpoint. So probably, unless she has air conditioning.

What a strange question to ask.