How do you approach using a public toilet seat?

I usually do a quick wipe, but only because of other idiotic hoverers who splash the seat and don’t clean up after themselves. I’m not very squeamish, but someone else’s urine on my backside doesn’t thrill me.

ETA: I don’t care about sterile or sanitized - you just can’t always see the moisture on a seat.

Me, too! If it looks like a bomb went off in there, of course, I will back out in a hasty manner and find a cleaner looking throne. Quick wipe with TP, siddown, flush, WASH HANDS REAL WELL, and be on my way. … Only thing that bother me is that eerie silence that falls when I’m trying to start peeing, with others in the room - if they start peeing first, then I can join in much more easily.

I do a quick wipe and then sit.
If there is an ass gasket I will use it. But that’s only the case it seems in like 30% of the places I go.

So I went w/ the Combo option w/ choices 1 and 2.

Unless it is obviously wet, I’ll just sit down and pee.

However, for public toilets I do vastly prefer Asian squat toilets. Nothing touches anything except your shoes. It seems a lot cleaner.

It’d be ironic if you hoverers were the cause of most of the pee droplets and poo streaks I encounter in public restrooms. It’s nearly impossible to make that kind of mess when seated properly.

I very much think they’re the cause. I have no cite, of course, but if I were a betting woman I’d put a lot of money on this hypothesis. I just can’t see any other explanation for it.

I feel the need to add that I’m disturbed by the number of you who seem nonplussed by encountering blood on toilet seats. I honestly can’t think of any time I’ve ever seen this. Like, ever. In my entire life. Nor do I wish to.

Paper towel option, only if the seat is wet.

Women bleed once a month, from parts of the anatomy that come into close proximity to toilet seats. It’s just another bodily waste product to dispose of. So you’ll find the “nonplussed” are almost universally women.

Still no good reason for people to NOT wipe the mess up, though!

Yes. We all know the horror stories of people who get terrible infections through the skin of their ass and back of thighs. It’s a toilet seat, there’s probably not leprosy on it, and as long as you don’t then lick your own ass, you’ll be fine.

Bonus points for people who refuse to touch a toilet seat, then - having touched the bathroom door, the stall door, perhaps the TP holder, and the seat itself with their hands - give their hands a cursory rinse in the sink, and leave.

Well in my case, I didn’t read the OP thoroughly :D. I voted wipe the seat, because as a guy I find 70% of public seats have a droplet or two from man-splatter combined with failure to lift the toilet lid ( apparently an onerous task for many in our fast-paced world ). But no, I won’t bother wiping if it looks clean.

I was in the Peace Corps. There is no toilet in these United States that can skeeve me out. What the fuck kind of diseases am I supposed to be able to get from a toilet seat, anyway?

Same with me. I answered that I wipe the seat because, most times, I have to wipe the seat. Because huge numbers of my fellow males are disgusting pigs.

I answered that I’d just plop down on a visibly clean seat, but - from a toilet in the US or other First World country, I expect as a bare minimum not to have to sit in someone else’s waste. Doesn’t matter if it’s disease free, it’s still someone else’s waste.

I’m not a dog. I can’t lick that region. Neither do my friends sniff it upon greeting me. So I just sit my ass down unless there’s visible droplets which I wipe off with TP.

This times fifty billion. I’d take the grossest public toilet I ever used in Japan over the grossest public toilet I ever used anywhere else* any day of the week.

*Republic of Ireland, FWIW–it was as if someone’s ass had exploded all over the toilet.

I feel the need to add that I’m disturbed that you forgot about menstruation. On the other hand, I’m bleeding at the moment, so I’m inclined to be tetchier than usual.

What are people worried about? Asscooties?

Usually i don’t give it a second thought unless the place I am in has suffered in cleanliness through neglect or abuse by patrons.

I was at a state park campground and there was a smallgroup of ladies and girls getting ready for a wedding, anyway the facilities were dirty and poop was smeared on one of the walls in a stall. And just a couple feet away these gals are primping, one was putting in contact lenses and she dropped one - the Mom said, wait don’t anybody move) and putting on makeup as if they were in the Ritz - Me, I didn’t even want to brush my teeth in there, I did it at the campsite. TYVM.

OTOH portajohns, are a nifty experience best approached ass first, and don’t ever look down in the pit, ever. Then shut the lid when you are done, always. Then run for hand sanitizer.

Yup, me too.

If there’s piss on the seat I’ll give it a wipe, otherwise I just sit on the seat and have at it.