how do you feel about the post counter?

This could almost be a Great Debate. I’m sure it’s been covered before, so I’m not going to do a search to check if it has.

In anycase, the burning question returns, to be answered by a new generation…

How do you feel about post counts. Should they be displayed? Do they influence your respect of the poster? Are you obsessed with your post counts and is there a point to post parties?

The topic has surfaced in the pit lately and I thought this might be a good place to give it some discussion.

Ok. I cracked and did a search. This topic has not surfaced in at least a month… so IMHO it’s fair game.

As for me…
yes they should be displayed
Yes I generally have more respect for high post count posters
No I’m not obsessed with my post count
Why the hell not have post parties?

Doesn’t bother me. I am normally chatty (or won’t shut up, depending on whom you talk to), so I’m going to rack up a lot of posts, particularly in MPSIMS, far fewer in GQ (and only when I am pretty darned sure of myself), but none in GD (since those people run rings around me academically and logically). Dates are difficult to compare, since (from what I can see in the short time I’ve been here), several long-time posters have changed names and in some cases, have new dates and posts counts making them look brand new.

Again, doesn’t bother me.

  1. Don’t care.
  2. Not in the least. I’ve seen people with hundreds or thousands of posts who always post crap, and others who have very few posts but make each of em count.
  3. Don’t even know how many I have.
  4. I don’t see any.

Pretty irrelevant, from a posters POV. As a moderator, it helps to spot a newbie (although the registry date covers that as well, of course).

Good question. Lately, the focus on post count seems to have been rather large, IMHO. I don’t see the need for that. And we really, really don’t want newbies celebrating their 100th post. And if we’re able to get that point across without offending anyone, where do we draw the line? Is it OK to have a 1000 post party? 2000? It gets blurry on the way up: therefore, I’m inclined to say: skip the damn parties. Especially with our resources running low. A year ago, it wasn’t a problem to have a PCP. Now, it’s yet another strain on the server.

Absolutely not. And neither should they influence anyones opinion of me, or any other poster. I can recall from memory two regs who had sigs reading “I may be dumb, but I have more posts than you” and “I have over 2000 posts! Show some respect, dammit!”.
Obviously, these people are either in jest or don’t have a clue what this MB is about. I’ll leave it to the reader to decide.
Respect is gained by content, and by content alone.

No, and very little - as stated above.

I know I’m probably not stating the Vox Populi here, but there you go.

I think that the post numbers are interesting. I’d hate to see them go. It doesn’t influence how I feel about someone, but it does let me know who’s really been active in the boards.

Primarily,I like knowing how much I’ve posted…it’s not an ego thing, especially since my post counts will always pale in comparison to the more active dopers. For instance, knowing my post count is close to 400 now tells me that this is the board I have been the most active on ever. The most posts I’ve had on another board is around 350. Most boards I don’t make it to 100…some I just lurk. I just like knowing where I am in relation to my other boards, not in comparison to others on this board.

Post Parties: ok for 500 - 1000 - 2000. Stupid for anything less, although I think I might have done one. Oops. :wally Although, I wouldn’t mind if they were gone forever.


As for me…
no they should not be displayed (they used to be in the posters profile, if you were interested you could check)

No I generally do not have more respect for high post count posters

No I’m not obsessed with my post count

Why the heck have post parties?
As I posted in the pit,
The more “respect” given to a poster because of numbers, the more people post just to increase those numbers.


My two cents:

No, I don’t think post counts should be displayed. What’s the point, really? To seperate the frequent posters from the infrequent? The old from the new? Who cares?

No, post count does not influence my respect for a poster. I form my opinions of posters based on what they say, not on how many times they say something (or nothing). We are all real people in real life who may or may not have qualitites worthy of respect. Why should I respect someone more just because they happened to discover this board earlier than someone else or happen to have posted more times than someone else?

No, I’m not obsessed with my post count. I admit I paid attention to it when I first came here, mainly because SO MUCH attention seemed to be paid to it by everyone else. But we all post at different rates depending on our personalities, our ability to access the boards, our desire to get our thoughts out, etc. I’m comfortable with the amount of time I spend here and the amount I participate. I’m certainly not going to throw posts onto the pile just to increase my number. All that does is add more debris that other posters have to weed through.

As for post parties, I don’t really have an opinion one way or the other. I don’t see the point of them really, but if people need to have them, I’m not going to stand in their way. I don’t see them as any more or less trivial than all the “What’s your favorite kind of socks?” threads.

I agree with most of what Bottle of Smoke and Coldfire have said. The only thing I like about displaying the post count is helps identify when someone is brand new to the board. That way, they can be welcomed, assisted if necessary, etc. Also, if it’s someone with a very low post count who starts trouble right away, you know you’re probably dealing with a Troll.

I guess we could get around those issues by putting just the date each of us registered as opposed to number of posts.

I ain’t bin around here very long, as you can tell by the date I registered. What people say and how they say it are what I notice.

As far as post counts go, I don’t notice them unless they’re pointed out. I say git rid of 'em if they contribute to strain on SDMb’s server.

Finding this place was a happy accident for me. Various combinations of openmindedness, intelligence, humour ranging from esoteric to outright slapstick, and breadth and depth of interest and knowledge have already brought me to respect a few people around here.

I haven’t been around here long either, but IMHO, I don’t really care for displaying the post count. People say it doesn’t really matter, but in practice it does. I know the general practice is to ignore anyone with less than a triple-digit count unless they do something really stupid (like what I’m afraid I’m doing now :)). I have even seen posts starting off with lines like “I normally ignore anyone with less than 100 posts, but…”.

I don’t really have any more respect for high post totals, but it does make me obsess a bit about mine because it’s so low right now, and at the rate I’m going it will take at least another month and a half to break 100. As for post parties, I would only do it for multiples of 1000.

Basically what Coldy said.

I’ve noticed on other UBB and VBB boards that they have the option to mark members with less than say 50 posts as Jr Members or some varient. Might that help flag people who are new (for whatever reason one would need to do that) without displaying post counts?

Or would people rush to get through 50 posts to become “full” members?

I can take it or leave it.
I have made over 500 posts, but the lion’s share of said posts have been in MPSIMS and IMHO. I wouldn’t dare post in GD; at least not until I have time to thoroughly research a given topic. I read the debate threads often, and I respect a new poster that writes effectively just as much as I respect an intelligent “oldbie” poster with a massive post count.
On the other hand, I think it’s good to be able to spot brand new posters, so they can be cut a little slack and given advice as needed.

There are only a few situations where post count comes into play for me.

Sometimes, a post will say something that I know absolutely will not fly with Dopers. I then glance at their post count, and 9 times out of 10, they are below 100 posts. Of course, in this case, I know what I’m looking for, and even if I couldn’t see the count, I’d just say to myself, “They’re new around here.” Of course, just as often, I see new posters who post intelligently and rationally. This, to me, earns more respect than even the long time posters, because these new posters already have their act together, and don’t have to learn by error.

Also, when someone makes a factual claim without a cite, I might be more likely to file that claim away in my “That might be true” memory banks if the poster has a high post count, just because that poster will be more acquainted with the SDMB, and therefore hopefully less likely to post false information.

I do notice post counts in some very special circumstances, otherwise they are just eye clutter.

The very special circumstance most often bringing it to my attention is when I open up a five or six day old thread on a controversial subject, and the OP has five posts, and only one or two of them is in this thread. That doesn’t change my opinion of the content of the post, but it often does show some relevance to the intent of the post. Since I try always to put some thought into my posts, and some effort into my reasoning, my answer will certainly keep in mind the evident level of attention and effort this person is putting into the discussion.

Concerning post parties, and such, I was quite surprised when I was congratulated for reaching a thousand posts. I had not noticed, really, and did not consider it a big deal. Of course, it might be significant that I don’t celebrate my birthday, or even notice it at the time, most years. I find it very likely that the people who read or post to post parties would be posting MPSIMSish stuff somewhere else, anyway. I doubt that the name of the particular thread is really any additional work for the server.

That said, I must add that MPSIMS is a vital aspect of SDMB. It is the repository of our community personality. It has great influence over what we expect of each other, and ourselves. The very fact that it is filled with the trivial, and the outrageous, yet still must conform to the community expectations of non ignorance, and of non jerkhood helps to define the character of the Teeming Millions. Server load my ass. It is the heartbeat of the living being that is the SDMB.


Who seldom posts, but does read MPSIMS

Well, although I’m swaying, I’m going to stick with my original IMHOs. Now that I have a little more time, I’ll elaborate. Aren’t you excited.

I almost always check out a person’s count (if I don’t recognize their name) - if date registered was shown, I’d appreciate that as well. Perhaps even moreso. It gives me a rough idea of how long/active that certain poster has been. Someone who has been here longer and posted more gets a prejudicial level of respect. I know they’ve been here a while and will most likely be here a while longer. Please keep in mind that I’m perfectly capable of judging someone an idiot; their post count then reflects quite accurately the level of annoyance delivered unto other members of the board. A ‘drivel counter’ if you will.

I used to be a little obsessed with my post count, noting that there was already an established prejudice there. Now that I’ve been here for a while (500 posts - woohoo …and that’s as close to a post party as I’m going to get) and made a sincere effort not to ever post any drivel, I’m over it. I know my name is recognized.

As for others, I’ve got an idea of who I respect and why… I don’t really take note of their post counts anymore except for a few favorite drivel counters. (See, swaying like a willow on a blustery Windnesday.)

The bottom line is yes, lasting respect is earned with content. But I still like the count up there.

On the other hand, the thought that it might pose an additional drain on the server is disturbing. Having the count displayed in the profile as opposed to on each post might be a better idea.

I really love the idea of replacing the visible post count with a membership level based on some combination of post count and registry date. New member, juniour member, member, old timer… whatever. It could be left in the hands of the mods… heheh… but that would just spawn a multitude of suck-up threads… posing additional drain on the servers…


[mumble]…well, back to th’ol drawing board [/mumble]

:: shuffles off, still mumbling to himself ::

No Opinion

The post count/date registered thing can be useful to a newbie like myself. If an experienced poster tells me something like I’m posting to the wrong forum, I am more likely to just accept it and move on, rather than getting into a debate.

      • Someone famous once observed that lots of people want to be heard, but got nothin’ to say. The easily-visible post counts didn’t help that any, but most of the posters-counters littered in MPSIMS -which is why I stopped frequenting it.
  • I’d rather they kill old, unused registrations. Like, say, after a year of no posts: erase it, freeing it up for someone else to use. Anybody can manage posting the word “test” in the ATMB forum twice a year. That is, if they are still even visiting at all (which many likely aren’t). And besides, I WANNA USE MY REAL INITIALS, YEW BASTAAADS!!! - MC
  1. I don’t particularly care. The registered date would serve just as well to mark newbies who need a little help, or to mark experienced users for the benefit of newbies, or trolls for us to ignore.

  2. Nope. Respect is earned by content. I seldom even look at the counter/date unless something in the post suggests cluelessness or trollhood.

  3. Er…How many posts do I have? I haven’t noticed lately.

  4. <shrugs> They’re mostly flirting-and-horsing-around threads. I drop in if I notice that posters I particularly like are involved. I see no real point in them, but no harm either. Other threads would just absorb those posts, probably to the detriment of what little focus MPSIMS threads maintain now–or people would start more “Let’s all flirt and horse around” threads.

I hate the post counter.

I’ve never seen it refered to for 2 reasons:

  1. To claim some snob rights, or to dismiss a newbie’s remark.
    This is faulty logic, and shouldn’t appear here.

Newbies aren’t children, or inexperienced posters, nor are they slow to catch on to the SDMB “traditions”. One look at todays threads, and all the traditions are out in full force for anyone to read at one sitting.

  1. Post parties, which I like, although I think they are only necessary because of the effect of item 1).
    They never fail to cheer me up. I post at every one in my path, because I know someone will be happy I came.

But now some people are not even allowed to point to the number in a post party without catching flak. That’s just rude. We non-newbies were all at the 100 level once, and it seemingly takes forever, no matter what your pace, so you think “Finally, I don’t have to get low-count comments!”

This forum and OpalCat’s boards are the only ones I know that show counts. At least there she has only a couple of levels, not exact numbers.

I think if the post numbers were only visible one day a week, that would be more than enough.
Not at all would be better yet.

I’d guess most of the best questions and comments on Cecil and Mailbag forums are from monoposters or low-count posters.

I have read threads from veteran posters stating they would not read any posts from members with less than 1,000 or more posts. A member can post to every thread and offer nothing to the thread yet the post count will be high. A high post count is not indicative of high intelligence.