How do you like your eggs?

. . .hatched, grown-up, and fried.

(that’s just one of those jokes I’ll never get sick of)

My egg choices would apparently make most of you ill (I know it did my mother and step-father). I like my eggs fried lightly, sunny side up and the whites runny. I know samonella is supposed to result, but it hasn’t gotten me yet and I used to eat (drink?) eggs raw on occasion. I don’t eat eggs often anymore though.

There is no way to cook an egg that will make me not like it, unless you’ve done so badly.

Non-existent. I hate eggs.

They’re good as ingredients for coatings, breadings, and in cakes and cookies, but I don’t want 'em by themselves.

We found the Big Dog Cafe last summer in Waxhaw. I no longer miss the Waffle House.

“Three eggs, over easy (Yes, I know that means runny.) Patty sausage, grits, and toast.” I should already have my coffee at that time.

Cut the sausage into little pieces, and mix into the grits. Then you place your eggs on top of the mess and massacre them. Just mix the whole thing together. I know this is being done properly when my wife sighs and begins to wonder why she ever appears in public with me. The result looks terrible, but tastes oh, so good.

Mmm… messy eggs.

I like hen’s eggs by default, but I also like mullet roe and belugia cavier. One of these days I’ll try duck, goose and ostrich eggs.

No one’s mentioned pickled hen’s eggs yet.

I buy those eggs (free-range, of course) which have extra omega-3 oils and have come from chickens vaccinated against Salmonella.

I figure that if I’m going to eat undercooked eggs they should be the ones doing the least damage to my arteries, brain and stomach!

Maus, there is no reason to look askance at your breakfast or the way you eat it.

I mix three eggs, over easy, four sausage links, and hash browns all into a pile, cut the heck up out of it, then pig out - I do bow to decorum and chew with my mouth shut - then follow the whole thing up with a large glass of milk, chugged.


Ahem. Post #60.

You should see people’s faces when my sister and I eat eggs in a resturant. I’m not sure whether the other people are turning green from envy or something else.

I’ve tried with hashbrowns, but they just aren’t as good a grits when it comes to mixing with eggs.

I stand, both in awe and corrected.

Migas, which is eggs scrambled with pieces of tortilla, tomato, onion, and hot peppers, preferably had in or around Austin, Texas. Or if my own lazy ass in New York is doing it, scrambled with tortilla chips (I use the shake from the bottom of the bag) and chunky salsa with some grated cheese and maybe chorizo. And I cook them until golden brown on the bottom.

If I’m at a diner, a feta omelette is ofen the way I go. Diners always overcook their eggs.

Sunny side up, with a bit of browning. Or in omelette: “nothing in”, chorizo, chistorra (a different kind of spanish sausage) and tuna are my favorites. Eggs scrambled in tomato sauce are also good. Damn, now I’m hungry.

Dad used to have 2 eggs, sunny side up, for dinner. One day when I was 3 or 4, I asked to have 2 as well, and was told “when you’re a Dad, you’ll get 2 eggs”. I already knew that girls don’t become Dads, boys do, and I hated being treated like I was dumb just because I happened to be small - my answer: “when I’m a MOM, I’ll get THREE!” I guess not having kids is being good for my cholesterol levels :slight_smile:

Take two eggs, mix in some scallions and jiou3 cai4 (Chinese vegetable whose English name I do not know), fry, and you have my second favorite food.

This thread showed up right below “Birth Control Options…” God, I have a sick mind, sorry…