how do YOU shower?

I face away from the shower for the most part. My showers, on weekdays, are about 7-9 minutes long.

  1. Step in shower, wet hair.
  2. Lather up shampoo, rinse
  3. Condition hair, leaving in whilst
  4. Brush teeth
  5. Facial scrub
    5a) Shave, if absolutely necessary (only on weekends)
  6. Rinse conditioner

On weekends I will then stay in until the hot water runs out. Which usually isn’t very long, because I have the shower on what my husband would term “Lobster Temperature”. We don’t shower much with each other any more, because my showers are just too damned hot for him.

I step into the shower and :

wet my hair
wash my body
wash my face (Cetaphil)
shampoo (I rarely condition)

And I face away from the shower. Why would you face it, that makes no sense. You want the war water cascading over your body, if you faced the shower, you’d either be half out of the water or you’d have water running down your face.

Step 1: Make the naked.
Step 2: Fix water temperature.
Step 3: Get junk wet.
Step 4: Soap stuff.
Step 5: Shave.
Step 6: Shampoo and rinse.
Step 7: Hop out and shake (entire self) vigorously.


Shampoo hair.
Shave face
Rinse hair
(occasionally wash hair again)
Wash body
Rinse body (and hair if needed)
Get out and dry off.

What is an “apricot scrub”?

It’s an exfoliating agent that can help keep your complexion clear.

shampoo hair.
wash rest from face to toes with shampoo.

I use a mild cheap shampoo, cut 50% with water to rinse easily, and never bother with bars of soap or washcloths.


Brushing teeth in the shower is gross.

  1. Get in
  2. Pee
  3. Shampoo
  4. Shave
  5. Wash body

For those who say brushing your teeth in the shower is gross, why?

Also, double why to Southern Yankee who is apparently comfortable enough to pee in the shower but not brush his teeth there?

Sorry. My posted routine is accurate. The teeth brushing comment was a joke based on my forthcoming routine. :smiley:

Aaahh, woosh on me :slight_smile:

I get wet all over, then get soapy, then mix shampoo and conditioner together and lather/wash my hair, then rinse everything.

I let the gal at the spa take the hair off with wax.

I read your comment about brushing your teeth being gross & stopped there. I thought, why the heck does everyone think it’s so gross?

Then I read step 2 and laughed for about 2 minutes.

My routine:

  1. brushteeth
  2. wash body
  3. wash face
  4. rinse all while getting my hair wet
  5. shampoo

edited to add: oh yeah, Male


Get in and let the water run all over me. I like to start out soaked.
Then work top to bottom. That way gravity is on my side.
Wash my hair.
Wash my body.

All I need is water, a bottle of shampoo, a razor, and a bar of soap.

Turn on shower
Sit on toilet
finish on toilet
Wash hair with ivory soap
Wash body with ivory soap
Take parrot in hand
Take parrot toward shower head
Wash parrot or watch him fly back to shower curtain bar, depending
Get out of shower

Your dad does too. I agree.

Love mommy. (I know TMI)



Lather hair with shampoo while peeing
Lather face with same shampoo scrubbed down from my hair
Wash body
(optional) Masturbate
Rinse body

Oops and I forgot mine;

Wash hair
Wash face
Wash body
Stand in jets until hot water is gone
Get out, stand under hot air blower

I fail to see how…I mean, if it takes me two minutes to brush my teeth, why would it take less if I do it in the shower? And it also wastes more water. Two minutes of the shower running is more water than two minutes in the sink.
Also, brushing my teeth with warm water? Ick!

  1. Turn on water, take a piss while the water gets to temp.
  2. Get in, get wet everywhere.
  3. Shampoo and rinse.
  4. Wash face with bar soap.
  5. Wash body with body wash.
  6. Water off, get out.
  7. Dry.
  8. With towel around waste, shave (if needed,) and brush my teeth (if it’s morning) at the sink.

I typically shower in 8-10 minutes, and another two for brushing and three to five for shaving. However, I am also able to take very fast showers. I can do the whole routine sans shave and brush very fast. My record is shower, getting dry, and putting on clothes in less time than Boston’s “More Than a Feeling.” :smiley: (I’m petitioning to have it be added to the SI units of measurement.)

I’m female.

Set temperature
Get in, soak everything, turning around a few times
Shampoo and rinse (facing away from shower head)
Put Conditioner in (facing towards, mainly due to location of bottle!)
Body wash and shave if necessary (facing away) - rinse (turn around)
Rinse conditioner (away)
Wash face and rinse (face towards)
Enjoy hot water a few minutes more (facing away)

I brush my teeth last, after I’ve gotten dressed and done my hair, because I might grab something more to eat or drink while I’m getting ready. I very rarely wear makeup, so it isn’t part of my routine. When I do wear it, I guess that comes last.