What's your bathing style?

So, what’s your bathing style?

  1. Shower or bath?
  2. Morning or evening?
  3. Length?
  4. Temperature?
  5. “Order of events”?
  6. Bar soap or gel + loofah?
  7. Lather, rinse? Or lather, rinse, repeat?
  8. Anything ‘non-standard’ habits? (like brushing your teeth or preparing food, a la Kramer :wink: )

For me:

  1. Shower
  2. Morning, occasionally evenings after playing softball or hockey
  3. About 20 minutes
  4. As hot as the water can get
  5. Wash body, rinse, wash face, rinse, wash hair and rinse.
  6. Gel and shower ball thingy
  7. Lather, rinse no repeat or conditioner
  8. Occasional shave and sometimes I’ll just sit down and relax for while (there’s a seat in the shower)
  1. Shower
  2. Evening
  3. 10 minutes, 15 if I’m washing my hair
  4. As hot as possible
  5. Wash hair, rinse, conditioner, wash face, rinse, wash body, rinse, exfoliate if necessary, rinse conditioner
  6. Gel + washcloth
  7. Lather, rinse, conditioner, rinse
  8. Sinus rinse, and the occasional hot oil hair treatment

During my morning run I stop at the side of the road and rub gravel in my hair.

  1. Shower, but only because of time constraints; I really love a good bath.
  2. Morning.
  3. 20 minutes or so.
  4. Very warm but not hot.
  5. Face, neck, torso, arms, legs, feet, ass, then a shampoo.
  6. Gel & loofah. It’s the only manly way.
  7. Lather, rinse, repeat.
  8. Yes, but Beth would be unhappy with me if I discussed that.
  1. Shower
  2. Morning
  3. 8 minutes
  4. Hot
  5. Shampoo, face, body
  6. Bar soap
  7. Lather, rinse
  8. Nope
  1. Shower
  2. Evening
  3. 3-4 minutes. I’m trying to conserve water.
  4. Warmish
  5. Upper body, lower body, hair and face
  6. Bar soap
  7. Lather, rinse
  8. Does singing count?
  1. Shower
  2. Right before work which is either early morning or early aftenoon depending on my shift. Mornings on days off.
  3. 10 min no shave, 15 min with shave
  4. as hot as I can stand it
  5. shampoo, rinse, conditioner, shave (if applicable), top to bottom scrub, rinse
  6. gel + loofah
  7. no repeat
  8. used to brush my teeth but got out of that habit

This isn’t my preference; this is how it usually happens because time constraints. If I could, I’d take an hour-long bath every night with candles and bubbles and hot chocolate on the edge of the tub.

For me:

  1. Shower
  2. Evening, before bed
  3. However long I need (15-30 minutes, depending on activities)
  4. Warm-hot
  5. Shampoo, conditioner, shave armpits, shave legs, rinse out conditioner, wash face, exfoliate face, wash body
  6. Dove Cool Moisture body wash (cucumber and green tea scent) and bath poof
  7. Lather, rinse, conditioner on while I shave my legs, rinse
  8. Sometimes I sing and dance, but only when no one else is home. The dancing has been curtailed since an unfortunate slip in the shower that nearly took out the curtain. Strictly limited to The Twist and ballroom dance foot positions. I also only shower every other day.

I know a chinchilla who does something similar. His fur is pretty soft, so he must be doing something right.

  1. Shower
  2. Morning
  3. Until the hot water runs out – about fifteen minutes
  4. Hot – I do not turn on the cold water tap
  5. Relax and stretch; brush and floss teeth; shave; lather; rinse; relax and stretch
  6. Gel soap, and occasionally a sauna brush
  7. Lather and rinse once
  8. Brush and floss teeth; shave; stretch

But the best is when I head into town for a sauna and shower at the Kangas. Sweat it out at 95 C, then stand under an ice cold shower, then continue alternating the sauna and shower for about an hour, and finally lay down on the bench in the dressing room for half an hour to recover. Pure heaven.

  1. Shower.
  2. Morning.
  3. Long. 20 minutes, at least.
  4. Warm. My shower won’t go really hot.
  5. Face, ears, hair, armpits, rest of torso, lowers.
  6. Bar soap for some places, gel (no puffball deelie) for others.
  7. I only repeat if I wanna feel extra-spiffy that day.
  8. I often sing do vocal warmups while I shower. Loudly. My neighbor kept filing noise complaints and I was threatened with eviction, so I’m more careful now.

1) Shower or bath?
2) Morning or evening?
3) Length?
4) Temperature?
5) “Order of events”?
6) Bar soap or gel + loofah?
7) Lather, rinse? Or lather, rinse, repeat?
8) Anything ‘non-standard’ habits? (like brushing your teeth or preparing food, a la Kramer )

I used to only shower in the mornings, but now that Subkid is big enough to graduate from a baby bath to the regular tub, he takes a bath with me or his mother in the evenings.

  1. Shower first to soap clean up, then soak in the tub
  2. Evening, although I still prefer the feel of having showered in the morning. If I wake up with bad bed-head I’ll give myself a quick dunk before going out.
  3. anywhere from a 5-minute dunk to a 15-minute relaxing shower, to a 1-hour soak in the tub if I fall asleep.
  4. around 40 C
  5. chest, pits, crotch, limbs, shampoo
  6. Bar soap
  7. Rinse, lather, rinse
  8. Sometimes shave, sometimes reading in the tub, sometimes bringing my coffee in with my morning shower.
  1. Shower or bath?
    Shower, mostly. Bath soak if I’m really tired.

  2. Morning or evening?
    Morning. Soak usually in evening

  3. Length?
    Shower, about 10 min. Soak, an hour.

  4. Temperature?
    Hot as I can stand it.

  5. “Order of events”?
    Clean off, shave, shampoo

  6. Bar soap or gel + loofah?

  7. Lather, rinse? Or lather, rinse, repeat?
    Rarely repeat

  8. Anything ‘non-standard’ habits? (like brushing your teeth or preparing food, a la Kramer :wink: )
    An occasional whiz while in the shower.

1) Shower or bath?

2) Morning or evening?

3) Length?
10-15 minutes, give or take.

4) Temperature?
Warm to very warm. Not too hot.

5) “Order of events”?
Wash hair. Rinse. Apply conditioner. Wash body/face while hair conditions. Rinse hair/face, then body. Get out, towel off.

6) Bar soap or gel + loofah?
Gel + loofah. (Well, shower poof or whatever the damn hell you call those things. It doesn’t have a stick attached to it.)

7) Lather, rinse? Or lather, rinse, repeat?
No repeat. Just a good lather and rinse. I tried the “lather, rinse, repeat” once and got stuck in an infinite loop for days before I just couldn’t take it anymore. On the positive side though, my hair had an incredible sex life for weeks.

8) Anything ‘non-standard’ habits? (like brushing your teeth or preparing food, a la Kramer :wink: )
Nope. Pretty standard fare, really. I usually shave after the shower though, when the stubble is most pliable. Oh, and I like to pretend I’m a sea captain caught in a Perfect Storm. I caught hell once when the tub capsized though.

Do people really whiz in the shower? Is it guys only? If you’re a girl, does it bother you? I don’t care what my SO does, because we have separate bathrooms (total marriage saver,) but if he peed in OUR shower, I would definitely have a problem with it! Can’t one just pee before showering? I’m not trying to come off as a priss, but…eeewww! Does ANYone think this is ok? Thanks!

So, what’s your bathing style?

  1. Shower or bath?


  1. Morning or evening?

Morning and/or before I go out.

  1. Length?

About ten minutes.

  1. Temperature?

Reasonably hot, except in summer.

  1. “Order of events”?

Soap, then facial scrub, then shampoo, then conditioner, then shaving (I’ve started shaving in the shower and find it’s infinitely better than shaving at the sink. I get a close shave and haven’t had any razor burn at all since I started.)

  1. Bar soap or gel + loofah?


  1. Lather, rinse? Or lather, rinse, repeat?

No repeat.

  1. Anything ‘non-standard’ habits? (like brushing your teeth or preparing food, a la Kramer )

I shower with the bathroom door wide open to disperse the steam. Hamish doesn’t care for this, but I don’t particularly care for using the can after one of his epic showers has turned the bathroom into the Tropical House, either. :stuck_out_tongue:


  1. Shower (if I had a bigger tub, I’d take baths more often)
  2. Evening, to wash off the work grime. I don’t see much point in showering in the morning with this job; I just end up outside getting grungy first thing, anyway.
  3. 15-20 minutes, longer if I shave.
  4. Warm-hot for me.
  5. Shampoo, rinse, conditioner (let that soak in), wash the body and face, then rinse body, face and hair. If I shave, then that comes between the conditioner and washing.
  6. Gel+loofa, with a washcloth just for my face.
  7. Usually lather, rinse, repeat.
  8. I can’t think of any odd habits, unless running out into the hall, naked and dripping, to shut off the smoke alarm counts. I’ve had to do that a few times now :frowning:

**1) Shower or bath? **I don’t own a bathtub. Roman shower only!
2) Morning or evening? Night, always. I have an ooky thing about sleeping with my day still on me.
**3) Length? **15 mins, 20 if I’m shaving, those are if I’m showering with the husband. By myself? 10 minutes tops for my basic shower.
4) Temperature? Hot baby! My husband and I still fight over it, though - he likes it slightly cooler.
5) “Order of events”? Shampoo, condition. While conditioning, brush teeth. Body wash, then face stuff - exfoliant and cleanser. Shaving comes last, after the hair has had a good soak.
6) Bar soap or gel + loofah? Gel and a scrubby cloth.
7) Lather, rinse? Or lather, rinse, repeat? No repeats for me!
8) Anything ‘non-standard’ habits? (like brushing your teeth or preparing food, a la Kramer ) The teeth brushing thing. Sometimes I bring my Tevas in with me and scrub them good while I’m in there (during conditioning phase, I guess that makes it a deep condition!) I live in the middle of the freakin’ desert so my Tevas get nasty quick. Roman shower is about 4x5, with a nice ledge on one side, so, uh, hanky panky, sometimes. :smiley:

  1. Shower or bath? Shower.
  2. Morning or evening? Evening but it’s my morning (I work the late shift).
  3. Length? This all depends how much time I have to get ready.
  4. Temperature? Hot in the winter, warm in the summer.
  5. “Order of events”? You start from the top to the bottom. No exceptions.
  6. Bar soap or gel + loofah? **Usually just a bar of soap but sometimes i use a loofah. ** :dubious:
  7. Lather, rinse? Or lather, rinse, repeat? Armpits, ass, crotch - Lather, rinse, repeat a few times. Everything just Lather, rinse.
  8. Anything ‘non-standard’ habits? (like brushing your teeth or preparing food, a la Kramer ) Rubbing one out
  1. Shower.
  2. Late afternoon or evening.
  3. 15 to 20 minutes.
  4. Pretty damn warm.
  5. Shampoo - rinse, put it conditioner - leave that in, wash body, shave underarms and legs (sometimes the legs don’t need it), rinse conditioner out, wash face, run cold water through my hair, end of shower.
  6. Body wash and shower poof.
  7. Lathering more than once would kill my hair.
  8. Not really - I don’t like to hold up the bathroom for too long.