How do you stop your pits from sweating

THis is, well, um, embarassing. I have tried every deodorant on the market and my pits sweat like crazy. It comes and goes, but when it comes, I pit out my shirts. Anyone know of a way to stop this?

Thankfully, I have no personal experience with this. I have read that those crystals that one rubs in the Pit Area :slight_smile: are quite effective, though.

Also, anti-perspirant (different from deoderant) works because it raises little blisters wherever there is an overactive follicle overproducing sweat, preventing sweat production.

I’ve seen ads selling some electrical device that would stop sweating for six months. I have no idea if it works, but that’s a pretty outlandish claim.

Anti-perspirants should do the trick, cause that’s what they’re made to do. as long as you aren’t alergic to them like me…
but then, do you really want your pores clogged?

Cecil has already covered this here :eek:

Carina42 wrote:

I’ve been using a crystal deodorant for several years now, since I saw this topic discussed on They are quite effective, but not at preventing perspiration. Instead, they prevent the odor. I’ve heard that the “crystal” is some kind of salt which the sweat-eating bacteria don’t like.

I have to re-apply it if I’m going out in the evening, else the morning’s dose will have sweated away. Regular antiperspirants cause my underarms to itch like they’ve been infested with the fleas of a thousand camels. The crystal is a godsend - just ask my wife. One crystal usually lasts me about two or three years.

Recently I had to wear a leg/ankle brace for six weeks, and after the first few days, my foot perspiration started causing the rubber padding to build up an odor. So I stated applying the crystal to my foot every morning, and the problem of odor was solved. I also use it on my feet if I’m going to be in shoes for a long day, such as a business trip.

Yes, there is a product that will help with EXCESSIVE sweating, over the counter anti- perspirants DO NOT work
for excessive sweating.
Do I dare mention the product name?

Will you read this before it is removed?

It is by precription only, ask your Doctor for

Lots of people have the problem of excessive sweating be it from their armpits, hands, feet, or entire body. This product can be used for all these problems
I knew a woman who had to change clothes several times a day
and had to wear only certain fabrics to keep it from showing,
she was miserable until she used it.

Though visually appealing, crystal deodorants are usually ineffective for people with severe perspiration problems.

There are several paths you can take, depending on the severity of your condition, your motivation, and finances. The good news is that there are very effective solutions and you do not have to suffer.

First, I should note there are two general conditions: hyperhidrosis and bromhidrosis. The first refers to individuals who perspite profusely–sometimes to the point of completely soaking the front pockets of their shirts/blouses–but who produce no detectable body odor. The latter condition refers to people who have an unpleasant body odor. Interestingly, many of these latter perspire very little, but have body chemistries that conspire against them. (Note: I believe there are online support groups for those with hyperhidrosis.)

According to a recent online article, Secret Platinum is perhaps the most powerful antiperspirant available over the counter, though I believe it is scented for women. One reviewer actually found the product eerily effective.

Yes, DrySol works well. But it requires a prescription and can be painfully irritating (an unusual byproduct is dilute hydrochloric acid) when used improperly or if the individual using it just so happens to be sensitive. Once you build up a foundation of aluminum chloride over your sweat glands, you only have to apply DrySol maybe twice a week thereafter.

A better product is Odaban, available without prescription but only through mail order from Bracey’s Pharmaceuticals, Liverpool, Great Britain. It is actually easy to get, can be ordered through e-mail, costs about $13/can, and its special titanium pump nozzle eliminates the need for water, which causes the irritating reaction associated with DrySol. One small can lasts about 6 months. A search engine will help you locate it.

Both DrySol and Odaban require a strict ritual. Basically, this means applying it about two hours after bathing but before going to bed at night. Waiting until the morning is too late, as the aluminum-based ingredients do not effectively plug the underarm pores that way–which, by the way, is also true for Secret, Ban, Sure, and RightGuard. Nighttime applications are best.

Devices that produce electrical stimulation will indeed reduce perspiration in some people, but the effects are temporary and the device only works on the eccrine sweat glands, which sounds like your problem. Unfortunately, underarm odor is associated with the apocrine sweat glands and this device does little to nothing in reducing body odor.

There are more invasive solutions. This ranges from partial surgical removal of the underarm sweat glands to total removal of the entire auxillae to injections of expensive Botox solution (effective for up to 6 months) to even more futuristic techniques whose efficacy is not yet demonstrated.

BTW, research consistently shows that plugging one’s underarm pores with an aluminum-based compound does not cause averse conditions in most people–certainly none neurological–despite what the scare mongerers claim.

Your first step should be a visit to your physician to rule out any underlying medical conditions.

Good luck.

Country Squire,

THANK YOU! Very informative post!

I have a similar problem as the OP. I sweat profusely (mostly in the armpits), with little odor. I’ll look into hyperhidrosis, Odaban and even DrySol. Thanks again!

I want to make it VERY CLEAR that I do not stink. It is just tthat I sweat a lot and only in the armpits. It is very embarassing and uncomfortable.

Thank you for the help, Squire. If it works, I owe you a big one.

I want to make it VERY CLEAR that I do not stink. It is just tthat I sweat a lot and only in the armpits. It is very embarassing and uncomfortable.

Thank you for the help, Squire. If it works, I owe you a big one.

I just wash their mouths out with soap.

Oh, sweating. Um, never mind.


I’ve been using Secret Platinum, because I’ve found it works best for me. Being female, I don’t mind the scent! :slight_smile: I just wish it could be made in one of those spiffy “clear” deoderant/antipersperants. Is there something to do with the chemical composition that prevents it from being compatible with a clear formula?


hello. my name is julie, and i am a sweaty girl.

i have viscious pit sweat which caused me much embarassment in my earlier years. even when i am cold, my pits sweat. i have tried nearly every kind of antipersperant, to no avail. looks like it time to consult the ole dolctor on this one.

just yesterday, in fact, my shirt was soaked. weirdly enough, though, in only one pit. i was rudly unbalanced.

I have a similar problem, no deodorants/anti-persprants seem to work, until I tried that new Old Spice Red Zone stuff. I can put that on, and jump in the shower, and the hair in my pits stays dry, even on direct contact with the water. It is quite impressive stuff.

I too had a huge problem with sweat. It was only underarm sweat and it didn’t matter how hot or cold I was. I would change my shirt 2-3 times a day just to not have sweat marks. It drove me crazy. I found this product, Certain Dri, that worked wonders. I used it for about 2 years and now only use a regular anti-perspirant. It is a joy to not have sweat rings in all my shirts. :slight_smile: Certain Dri stops you from sweating entirely. My pits did turn a bit of a shade of yellow for a while, but have since stopped looking that way. If they were orange I wouldn’t care as long as I stopped sweating constantly.


Yes, I got a sweater for Christmas, last year. But I was really hoping for a moaner or a screamer instead.
Thank you, thank you, I’m here all week. Woa! It’s friday!
I’m here all day.

I know the cure!

I had this same problem and it reallly is a PROBLEM. I use to sweat ONLY under the arms all the time. Even in a cold room watching TV I would have that damp feeling in the pits. When I was actually doing something it would almost meet in the front of my shirt. Luckily I didn’t stink but it is humiliating. I found particular fabrics that didn’t show sweat as much and tried everything. I used the Drysol, but it created such a rash I couldn’t stand it. I looked funnier walking with my arms held out than I did with the sweat marks. I am 6 foot 1 and at the time I weighed 265 pounds. I started running and working out like crazy and I am now at 195 pounds. Even here in Texas I sweat everywhere BUT my pits now. I don’t know if it would work for everyone, but losing the weight made all of the difference for me.

I don’t know if it would work for everyone but it definately did for me. I feel your pain, believe me.

Another vote for Certain Dri here. It’s the only thing that worked for me for a very long time. To check it out (and even buy it online, all sly-like) go here.

They also make pads for this. SOrt of an underarm diaper, if you catch my drift.

Anyway, why not see a doctor & get something?

Or you could visit Japan. There they have a game show where guys sit in tubs that collect sweat in a jar under the tub. The guy who sweats the most into the jar wins the game. Yeppers. I saw it on Maximum Exposure tv show.