How do you want your chicken dinner?

You can have your chicken broiled or fried.
You can have your potato fried, baked or mashed.
You can have your corn whole, creamed or on the cobb(boiled, or roasted on the grill).
You can have apple pie, French vanilla ice cream or double up with a la mode.
Your drink will be milk, soda of choice, wine or beer of choice.

How may I serve you?

Broiled, mashed, whole, ice cream, and an ice-cold Diet Coke.

Well, thank you very much

Fried chicken
mashed potato
roasted corn on the cob
skip desert, thanks anyway
How about a nice champagne?

I’ve got Cordon Negro Brut sparking wine only-will that do?

Roasted on the cob would be nice.
Ice cream, please, as long as it’s carrageenan-free.
Water will do just fine.

You’re awesome, Czarcasm.

I’ll have fried (thighs please), mashed (with peppered white gravy), roasted cob corn, a la mode (if I can’t have sharp cheddar with my pie instead of ice cream), and a nice wheat beer or light ale. Thanks.

Everything will be fresh and home-grown, I assure you.

Fried chicken’s been on my mind; we were going to a new restaurant that serves a great version but it was closed on Sundays, damn. Anyway:

Fried, dark meat
Mashed potatoes with peppery cream gravy
Whole kernel corn
Apple pie, nothing on it
Ice-cold milk

That was our standard Sunday dinner growing up.

Four whole fried chickens and a Coke.

A quart bottle of Coke and a tall glass filled with ice?

You can have your chicken broiled or fried.
Skinless broiled white meat, please.

You can have your potato fried, baked or mashed.
Mashed (although there is no “wrong” way to serve potatoes).

You can have your corn whole, creamed or on the cobb(boiled, or roasted on the grill).
On the cobb, boiled.

You can have apple pie, French vanilla ice cream or double up with a la mode.
Naked apple pie.

Your drink will be milk, soda of choice, wine or beer of choice.
Diet Pepsi.

(That was fun! And now I’m SO glad it’s lunchtime… :))

With some dry white toast?

Corn on the cob, either roasted or boiled is fine for me; slight preference for former
No dessert
Bell’s Oberon

ETA: I’m assuming you’re just talking plain chicken. Otherwise, if you include stuff like jerk chicken or piri-piri, I’d go with those over fried.

Simple cooking here, and none of our chickens are jerks.

Can I get it pan fried? I like my fried chicken old school and, frankly, it tastes better that way. Potatoes mashed (with gravy of course). Corn on the cob, but if you could fire roast that in the husk with heaps of butter and chili I’d be much obliged. Apple pie (fresh and hot from the oven) would be wonderful for dessert, two scoops of ice cream. I’ll have a coke with that…shaken, not stirred.

Much obliged!

Fried chicken.
Fried potatoes today, but on other days I might say mashed.
Corn on the cob, grilled if it won’t freeze solid in the time it takes to get from the grill to inside (it’s bitter cold here the past few days).
I’ll a la modify my pie. “Both” is always the correct answer for a dessert.
Dr Pepper.

Fried chicken breast (would also settle for BBQ chicken breast)
Mashed potatoes
Whole corn on top of the potatoes with lots of butter and salt
Apple pie
Diet coke

When I think of chicken I think of this, so broiled, please.

I love all three, but that kind of chicken requires a specific yummy dipping sauce, and that means a big serving of unhealthy fries, TQVM.

Whole sweet corn.

Nothing, thanks, not big on desserts.

Wait a minute. “Soda of choice”, “beer of choice”, or just “wine”? I’ll have a nice glass of Gamay Noir, Pinot Noir, or a sprightly young Beaujolais with that chicken. If anyone wants to tell me that “poultry = white wine”, I’ll take them aside and explain a few things them. :slight_smile:

That is the only way I fry my chicken, roast my corn and serve my pie, and of course you can have all the standard condiments.

There’s a McDonalds a half mile back.