How Dope Is YOUR House?

Four. All post. One is addicted, me and another post occasionaly and the other posts rarely.

My wife and myself. The cat would post, but I’m sure he would be banned very quickly, so I don’t want to risk having our IP address blocked.

Three in my household, not including pets, and I’m the only Doper.

Just me. The Mrs. has no interest, she frequents her own message board with multiple forums, and eldest offspring elfbabe moved out long ago, and stopped posting here some years after that. My youngest registered over a decade ago, but never posted after her initial intro. She’s flown the nest now too.

Three in my household. Three registered. Only two post regularly. The one who doesn’t is a teenager.

There are other people in my house? I’d better check that out…

I was all set to make the 100% joke (living alone and all.) One of the cats tried once by walking on the keyboard while I was responding. On any other board I might have let the post go, his random gibberish was smarter than a lot of things I’ve read elsewhere.

Just me, but the dog sometimes dictates MMP posts.

Just me. My wife, the Incomparable Sunflower, refers to all of you as my “imaginary friends”

My place is 100% Dope. But that’s just me.

My wife has read one of the books, and I frequently share info I find on here with her.
But I am the only one that reads and posts here.

Well, Celtling is a wanna-be, not sure if that counts or not. She loves to read funny responses, and occasionally refers a question to you all if I don’t know or she doesn’t believe the answer. But she’s not old enough to be approved for her own account.

So it’s either 50% or 100% depending.