How is genocide defined, with an emphasis on cultural genocide?

How are people kept “penned up” in the reservations? You do realize we don’t lock the gates to them? We don’t circle them with fences. I’d certainly agree there’s high poverty rates on reservations, and poverty is a shackle for mobility in any number of ways.

Poverty and a number of other services has always been wretched on the reservations, but I’m not sure what policies people have in mind to easily fix it. There’s at least some overlaps between the issues facing reservations and certain deeply impoverished minority-majority urban neighborhoods, and I think “we”, being the collective West across a number of countries have tried out a lot of different schemes. Is there anything to actually be done for it? My inclination is usually “more money” is a decent baseline.

Going back to the “penned” comment above, is one solution to provide funding (through individual grants) to native families that want to relocate off-reservation? There’s probably a non-zero number that are stuck there out of generational poverty that would likely do better living almost anywhere else.