How is genocide defined, with an emphasis on cultural genocide?

What a fucking idiot.

Thank ghod. The persecution complex he has already is bad enough.

This from one of the coterie of mouthbreathers unable to follow the simple threaded nature of a message board discussion.

Now, you know that you are just lying your ass off here.

How you gonna slap the sheep from so high up on your cross?


@Euphonious_Polemic already admitted he was a liar by not taking up my challenge, so I will repost it and make the same to you:

Another liar revealed. I never said the residential schools in Canada and the operation of them, did not constitute cultural genocide. Please provide proof I did that or admit you are a liar and apologize, or shut the fuck up.

You made a mistake. Everyone can see that you misattributed a quote.

Then you cannot admit to it, so you try to cover up with bullshit. You know this. Everyone can see this.

But you then double down on the insults and bullshit.

What a fucking idiot.

Another liar revealed. I never said the residential schools in Canada and the operation of them, did not constitute cultural genocide. Please provide proof I did that or admit you are a liar and apologize, or shut the fuck up.

You do realize that hardly anyone will take you seriously after making yourself the next @Hal_Briston, yes?

So, what is your goal in defending the actions of Canada and their residential schools? Are you trying to say that genocide isn’t really that bad a thing?

I never said the residential schools in Canada and the operation of them, did not constitute cultural genocide. Please provide proof I did that or admit you are a liar and apologize, or shut the fuck up.

It sounds like both of you are in fact admitting I am right, and that I never denied the operation of residential schools was genocide. Could you formally confirm that?

His goal is to be an obnoxious fucking idiot. And to boast about fucking sheep.

He’s doing very well.

I mean this is 15 years later, nothing materially has changed:

In his defense, he likes to slap sheep, not fuck them.

You’re welcome, Marty.

Yet you’re still here, much like @Clothahump continued – in his own words – circling the drain with everyone else.

I usually like the discussions here, most of the time anyway. But at its core there are always threads like this one that remind that this is a den of groupthink lefties that get really mad and hateful if you disagree with them even in part.

You don’t read you own posts, I take it?
Keep spreading the love, dude.

“Argle bargle hive mind, sheeple sheeple!”

Same story, different poster. Fucking morons. It never enters their tiny minds that they might be shitty communicators if nobody can understand what they are trying to say.

Coming into a thread and making excuse after excuse for what was done at residential schools… then batting their eyes and saying oh who me? I never said that there was no genocide. (bat bat). I’m merely excusing all those who perpetrated it. Oh oh, you people all misunderstand me. Poor poor me! See how I’m being picked on.

I’ll note this poster has already de facto admitted to lying about what I said once, due to his refusal to provide evidence of his factual claims about words I have typed.

We can move on from that conceded point.

Let’s now explore this:

Please provide evidence that I have made “excuse after excuse” for what was done at the residential schools.