How Many Hot Buttons Can You Count In This Story?

The OP missed one big one - the guy was named Francois. I think we all know what that means. The French are now coming over to America to attack our meter-maids.

Over my dead body! ::grabs shut gun::

::puts shot gun away:: Nah, the maids can handle the French.

:: Sigh ::

There’s a French maid joke in here somewhere, but damned if I can come up with it.


Those llamas are imported all the way from Arqabia.

Prqeview is yourq frqiend.

Smqartqass. :stuck_out_tongue:

Is that Eaqstern Arqabia or Weqstern? I hear there’s a big difference in the amount of foqam.

It’s Sqaudiq Arqabia, aqtually. I understqand the bqin Lqaden fqamily hqolds the Stqarbucks cqontract.

I knew it! Starbuck’s coffee is the Weapon of Mass Destruction!

(At least it is for me. Stupid acid reflux.)

I counted 13,383,816 hot buttons.

All those who were not uite uick enough to get in their uip about a uaint typo, please ueue uickly and uietly on the left.
