how many men look at other mens penises when peeing?

hahaha just a question I have always been curious about!

I do.

I’m to infatuated with my own to even bother to take a quik looksy.

I am not weird, I’m just normle challenged.

I don’t. But when I was younger (4-6) I did. We used to play a game called “Criss-Cross.” We’d piss in the toilet and aim so that our urine would join in a cross pattern, while chanting “Criss-Cross, applesauce, we hate girls!”

Don’t have time, watchin where I am peein!!!

Have you ever seen Dave Barry’s “Book of Guys”? He diagrams a typical public men’s room, and shows (correctly, in my experience) how men try to avoid even standing next to another man.

Let’s say there’s a public men’s room with 5 urinals. The first man to enter will take the urinal on the far left. The next man to enter will take the urinal on the far right. If a third man enters, he’ll take the one in the middle (not ideal, but at least there’s a respectable space between him and the other guys). If a fourth man enters, he’ll reluctantly approach one of the unused urinals, making sure to stare straight ahead, lest he accidentally catch a glimpse of something he does NOT want to see.

It’s this same principle that insures that, if two straight men go to a movie together, they’ll keep an empty “I’m not a fag seat” between them.

astorian, hahaha thats too funny!!! it must be the matcho thing eh?

I do not look at other men’s penises…and I better not catch Slythe looking at mine…

Contestant #3

Nope, I don’t look. You can look if you want, but don’t get to attached. The urinal etiquite, and the fag seat are 100% true.

I have a program called “Urinal” that tests your bathroom etiquite. Email me and I will send it to you.

Astorian/Dave are right. In showers you can look, but not like you are really looking, you can’t stare. But mostly, after school days, you’ve seen enough penises. You just notice how out of shape people are. Eventually the males and females are equally out of shape. A 70 year old naked man and woman only differ in height and genitalia. But I do have a 75 year old friend who is in better shape than just about anyone.

I look at everthing. I don’t discriminate against dicks. It’s not that I try, but I am a professional observor with great peripheral vision. Sure, I go into restrooms chanting ‘don’t look at the dicks, don’t look at the dicks’, and then Damn!! Whoa!! There’s one in the corner of my eye now (figuratively speaking of course) ! Oh God! It’s bigger than mine!!??

“The urinal etiquite, and the fag seat are 100% true.”

What’s a “fag seat”?

I have looked out of curiosity, but if you get caught the guy thinks you’re after his little nasty bits.
Most urinals now have those “modesty panels”.

Work like you don’t need the money…
Love like you’ve never been hurt…
Dance like nobody’s watching! …(Paraphrased)

I don’t, but here’s a fun game you can play:

Next time you are using a urinal, look over at the guy next to you and say, “Hey, nice penis!”

The person will leave the bathroom quivering and shaking in confusion and fear.

A friend and I did this one time as a gag. We both went into the bathroom, waited for our ‘victim’, then casually entered a conversation like this,

“Hey, that’s a nice penis you’ve got there.”
“Thanks. Yours too! Nice steady stream you’ve got going there.”

etc. etc. until the person left the bathroom. It was juvenile, but then, I was a juvenile.

d. thats pretty funny. Gotta be careful who you do it to, they may offer to show theirs.

The fag seat is the seat mentioned above. If two guys go to a movie theater they will leave one empty seat between them.

A friend of mine took a Psych. class at Wake Forest (last fall or year before) and gave me a survey that I was supposed to fill out and send in. The survey was the exact thing you’re talking about. Fill in which urinal you would use if such such urinals were occupied. Also whether you use urinals at all, there seems to be a certain number of men that will only use stalls etc. Now that you’ve reminded me I’ll to find out if he’s still got the results hanging around somewhere.

How many want to look at Beeruser’s?

Hey, ladies! There ARE men who watch where they pee!

Don’t look, don’t want to be looked at. “Modesty panels” are great…but enough psychology. :slight_smile:

As for the “fag seat,” I just started leaving an empty seat when theaters were not completely full, but not for those reasons. Theater seats are so narrow that I just want to spread out a little bit and the extra seat on either side guarantees me the whole armrest and more.

I don’t know what would happen if I had a date…maybe theater seats were much wider the last time I had a date or I just hadn’t thought of it. Hmmm…maybe I wanted to sit close to the woman I was with…now I’m starting to remember…

Hey, aren’t you supposed to be at work?

I can’t pee when someone else is watching-when I had to give a urine sample (before entering the Navy), I had a hellof a time…
Is there a scientific name for this condition?