How many Pratchet Dopers are there..?

I just noticed the handle of Mr. Slant. Myself, I used to be The Gaspode. And there’s Lobsang, PerditaX, and who?

How many of us have a screen name taken from the DW?

(CS Mods - this might belong in MPSIMS, but since I’m not a *habitué * of that forum, and it does tie in with CS, I put it here. Feel free to move.)

There’s both an **Angua ** and a Captain Carrot, tho’ I don’t know if they’re actually each other’s S.O. :smiley:

I’m Octarine or Octarinefire most everywhere else on the internet

Until Christmas, when Shayna and *Spiny Norman gave me a pair of Pratchett’s books, I’d only read Good Omens about ten years ago.

But I can point to Bill Door.

We used to have a Rincewind and a **Sam Vimes**and we still have Twoflower.

I’m not…
…but, if I were to take a new screen name, it would most likely be a Pratchett reference.


JustAnotherdaQuirm? Naw… I ain’t that bright.

Leonard’s Assistant?

The Flying Alchemist?

The Young Sam Vimes?

dunno… I got nuthin…

BTW, don’t forget Susan Sto Helit.

and we have **Corporal Nobbs** and =“”]GythaOgg[/url.


and we have **Corporal Nobbs** and GythaOgg

and of course, **Susan Sto Helit**

we once had **Detritus**

Remember **Vetinari**?

**Greebo Ogg**

**71 Hour Achmed**



Now I’m bored with this. later.

Sorry, I missed you, Mrs. Cake.


Aw, and I thought this was a roll-call for Pratchett fans on the SDMB (yo!). :frowning:

Me, too. Although if I did change my screen-name, I’d probably pick something from the Disc.


How come nobody else is adding any??


We’re all too stunned by your count! We couldn’t keep up if we tried! :wink:

(Besides, I did, and you seemed to have missed it :stuck_out_tongue: )