Who's got the COOLEST screen name?

I’ve seen some rather boring screen names on this board
(yes…mine included) and I’ve noticed names that really stood out:

Stupendous man


and my personal favorite

Wartime Consingliore (did I spell that right?)

What screen names do you guys love?

No doubt about it… my screen name is the coolest. Hands down.

I find most altenate versions of existing words to be rather clever. Czarcasm, for instance, is a good one.

I’ve always liked Sue Duhnym. A recent favorite is PurpleHeadedYogurtSlinger.

There’s a guy who just started posting over in GQ, by the name of Don’t poke the bear, Dad! That’s pretty funny!

SPOOFE is a boob. Mine is better.


Dijon Warlock, actually, makes me giggle everytime I see it and say it.

Don’t Poke the Bear, Dad! is one I haven’t seen yet, but it ranks up there in the top 1%, I must say…

Whatever happened to Mary Hart’s Legs? I always liked that one.

imthecowgodmoo will win every time, in my book, with Tequila Mockingbird in close second.


I really dig

I just want to cuddle it in my arms and sing.

jarbaby has obviously never tasted Vegemite… :frowning:

Drat. I meant to mention some of my favourite names:




Arden Ranger
jarbabyj (despite an odd liking for black gooey substances)
Sexy Writer (who seems to have vanished)

I just find these aliases evocative…

Well, no, I’ve never had vegemite, but it’s such a cute word, and to think of it being happy and little is darling.

anything little is automatically cute.

Another vote for Don’t poke the bear, Dad! It actually made me laugh out loud when I saw it for the first time.

Czarcasm is a pretty clever screen name. And I’m not just saying that because I’ve met the guy.

I like Fenris. For some reason, I think of wolves when I see that name…must have seen some reference somewhere linking the two.

Cartooniverse, Spiritus Mundi, Sofa King, and TubaDiva are all really cool names, in my book.

I vote for Qadgop the Mercotan

It has an august majesty seldom seen in member handles. BTW if you’re reading this, Qadgop, can you tell us what it means? For my part it stirs vague memories of old science fiction movies and freshman chemistry.

In the American edition of the first book of the Chronicles of Narnia, there was a wolf named Fenris Ulf. That’s probably where you got that connection.

As for my pick, well…I’ve always thought Scylla was a pretty cool name, and wondered why I haven’t seen a Charybdis.

I think mine’s pretty cool, but that’s just my opinion.

Fenris is a character in Norse mythology. The son of Loki,
Fenris is a massive wolf. Currently chained in cave, with a sword in his mouth, he is destined to escape at Ragnarok(Twilight Of The Gods).

That said:

Chronos (after Greek mythology or the DC super villain?)
And because of the special place in my heart reserved for insane, prankster, vampires

Aha! I read the Narnia books a lot when I was younger. Betcha C.S. Lewis got the name for the wolf from the Norse mythology. And I’ve read enough books on mythology to have probably bumped into the name somewhere, after which it lodged in my subconscious for some vague reason.

Thanks for filling me in.

So what is Fenris Ulf’s name in Britain???